Meanwhile in Nohr...

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        After seeing his fellow retainer disappear in front of him, Odin had began to panic. He looks over the chalk lines to see where exactly the chalk had broken. Upon finding the spot, Odin's eyes widen in horror as his face pales. His shoe had changed one rune from summoning to banishing. All Odin knew was that he sent Niles to some realm somewhere that was dark and despairing. He further inspects the runes within the sigil to make sure that he didn't cause another break or if he did, what that break would change. Fortunately, but also unfortunately, for Odin, there was no other break. Knowing that he was over his head on this one, the dark mage swallows his pride and runs to where his lord was waiting. Since this was a high level emergency, Odin just throws the door open to where Leo was sitting.

"MILORD! WE HAVE A SITUATION!" Odin shouts as he bursts through. Leo immediately snaps his head up from his work hearing Odin's tone of voice and the lack of dramatics. It was never a good thing when Odin spoke normally.

"What's the situation Odin?" Leo asks as he rises from his seat.

"So you know how you allowed me to perform that summoning ritual? Well, it went wrong-" Odin answers, wincing a bit. It was then that Leo noticed that Niles was not with Odin.

"How precisely did it go wrong Odin?" Leo asks, looking at Odin sharply.

"Soooo my foot smudge and thusly broke one of the runes and Niles noticed but a moment too late. I performed the ritual and instead of summoning a powerful and dark ally, I uh accidentally banished Niles to a realm unknown. All I know is that wherever I accidentally sent Niles, it's not a pleasant one," Odin explains as he fidgets with his cape. Leo takes a moment to process what Odin told him and he then sighs in relief.

"Well, while this is a very serious situation, it is fixable I believe," Leo informs Odin.

"Wait really?"

"Yes. You simply banished Niles, correct?"

"Yes milord, I even double checked all the runes and everything before coming to report the situation. It's still there if you would like to double check."

"I will double check to make sure you didn't miss anything. But this is fixable as since you banished Niles, we can get him back assuming he is still alive. I don't believe we'll be able to summon him back since we don't know where he ended up, but if he's in another realm we have two options of where he could be."

"A realm with in the Deeprealms?"

"That or a realm through the Dragon Gate. Neither will be easy to figure out but it is doable."

"Right! I forgot about the Dragon Gate! What do you need me to do milord?"

"Go fetch Nyx and Corrin, and try to avoid running into Xander if you can help it. I'm going to go look over the runes to make sure you didn't miss anything," Leo instructs before leaving his study to go look over the runes. Odin then heads off to find Nyx and Corrin. Odin knew that Leo wanted Nyx as she is a powerful dark mage herself but wondered why Leo wanted Corrin. The blonde knew it wouldn't be because Corrin was Nyx's husband, but maybe because Corrin was leading the army, but Odin knew he would find out one way or the other soon enough. He finds Lord Corrin first.

"Lord Corrin! Might I have a word with you?" Odin calls out to the white haired prince. Corrin blinks and looks over hearing Odin.

"Ah! Odin, good afternoon! Is something wrong?" Corrin greets as he walks over. He also noticed the lack of dramatics which worried him.

"Aye. Lord Leo requests your help alongside Lady Nyx's help," Odin says. "I may have messed up severely. And speaking of Lady Nyx, where might she be?"

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