Trial End & A Kiss

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        "What? No! That would be very ungentlemanly of Gonta! And Gonta is a gentleman!" Gonta exclaims to Niles. He was, however, glad that Kaito also said no to removing his shirt. Gonta glares a bit at Niles, a bit angry with the one eyed man and his non-gentlemanly behavior. He crosses his arms over his chest as that would prevent his shirt and jacket from being removed without his permission.

"Awe quit being such a pissbaby Gonta! We're all adults here!" Miu says, rolling her eyes.

"He shouldn't have to remove his shirt! And he's trying to prove that he's not a degenerate like the rest of the males here!" Tenko says.

"Oh shut your worthless trap Tenko!" Niles groans out. "If Gonta is the culprit, you'll be turning around and calling him a degenerate for murdering Kiibo!"

"Niles has a point~ Nishishishi~" Kokichi grins at Tenko who only fumes in response.

"Well, while we do need to see their arms and neither is comfortable with removing their shirts, I have a compromise - they take of the layers, leaving just their shirts and then roll up the sleeves," Kirumi suggests, remaining as calm and collected as ever.

"That's doable I suppose. Alright, I'll go first then! I have nothing to hide!" Kaito says. He first removes his blazer, draping it on the podium in front of him. Afterwards, he removes the dress shirt, draping it on top of his blazer. He then rolls up both sleeves. Maki and Rantaro lean in and peer at Kaito's biceps.

"No wound on this side," Maki says.

"Same here," Rantaro says. Kaito then pulls his dress shirt and blazer back on after rolling the sleeves of his t-shirt down.

"Now, was that so horrible Kaito?" Niles asks, his voice babying the Astronaut some.

"It wasn't as I didn't have to remove my shirt in an awkward situation," Kaito tsks in response.

"Well Gonta! Your turn! You only need to remove your jacket and roll your sleeves up!" Kaede says, keeping her voice soft and gentle. Gonta sighs a bit.

"Gonta will comply only because Kaito did and Kaede asked Gonta nicely," Gonta says before removing his jacket. Once he removes the jacket and goes to roll up his right sleeve first. However, before he could even unbutton the cuffs of his shirt, a gasp escapes Shuichi.

"...It's Gonta," Shuichi says, staring at the faintest sight of blood seeping through the cloth. Gonta freezes.

"It's not Gonta," Gonta denies. "Small cut is from sharp bug! That is all!"

"That seems like an awfully large amount of blood for a small cut though..." Tsumugi says, tilting her head. Niles chuckles darkly.

"Case is closed. You can put your jacket back on you lumbering buffoon!" Niles says, a cruel smirk splaying on his lips. It was show time~

"Gonta is not a lumbering buffoon!" Gonta says.

"I'm afraid that's not so! Only someone as stupid as you would think that Kiibo of all people would actually be the mastermind."

"Gonta did not believe that!"

"Clearly you did, otherwise you wouldn't have killed Kiibo! You also firmly believed it was me and Rantaro considering we have to explain the motive to you!"

"You and Rantaro are suspicious though!"

"Pea brain."

"Gonta not stupid!"

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