Flashback Light

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        The morning after exploring the new and available areas, almost everyone within the cafeteria were relaxed. The only people who hadn't let their guard down but played it off were Niles, Rantaro, Maki and Kokichi. It was chill and quiet as everyone had their breakfast and chatted with one another to see what their plans that day would be. Niles and Rantaro were a bit worried as Shuichi had yet to appear, but all such worries were swept away when the cafeteria doors were opened up and in came Shuichi... With the odd device he, Niles and Rantaro had found the prior day.

"Oh Shuichi! There you are! Sleep in?" Kaede calls out to the Detective.

"A-Ah no, I was actually talking to Monokuma about this," Shuichi answers, holding up the bizarre device.

"Well, what is it and what does it do?" Miu asks, looking at it in intrigue.

"Wait, hold up! How do we know this isn't just one of Monokuma's incentives?" Kaito asks, narrowing his eyes at the device. Just as Shuichi goes to answer, Monotaro appears in the cafeteria.

"It's not!" Monotaro says, startling most of the people in the cafeteria. "It's actually another reward!"

"And remember, Monokuma and the MonoKubs can't lie to us," Rantaro says.

"But they can leave information out," Korekiyo points out.

"While true, you can't leave information out on a yes or no question," Kaede says, hoping to calm the vibes in the room.

"Unfortunately Kaeidiot has a point. So Pooichi, you gonna tell us what the shit that is? Or is the bloodied tampon wanna be gonna have to tell us?" Miu says, jabbing a thumb at Monotaro.

"Hey! That hurts my feelings!" Monotaro says to Miu.

"Right! I can explain!" Shuichi says, before anything could start between Monotaro and Miu. "I was told this is a Flashback Light. When used, it brings back memories. Monokuma didn't explain how it worked but it would be nice to remember what was going on before we woke up in this school," Shuichi says. Niles and Rantaro share a look, both getting a bad feeling from the device.

"And that's all it is! Have fun using it!" Monotaro says before disappearing from the cafeteria.

"Alright! Let's use it and get those memories back!" Kaito exclaims, excited about the device know that he knew what it could do and that it was not a motive.

"I... don't think we should," Maki voices. "If our memories were taken away from us, are we sure we want to know what we've forgotten..?"

"I agree with Maki... It doesn't seem very safe... I could use my magic to make it safe.." Himiko chimes in.

"Gonta wants to know what Gonta forgot. Gonta is not very smart and Gonta does not like that he now knows that he has forgotten something," Gonta says. As people started chiming in with reasons to either use or not use it, Rantaro and Niles take it upon themselves to slip out of the cafeteria before anyone could stop them... or notice them gone and drag them back in for that matter. Despite not wanting to use the device, the two were curious as to what the others would decide and if they did use it, what were the memories acquired. Niles leans his ear against the door to listen, closing his eye as he focused. After a few moments, Rantaro speaks up.

"Can you decipher anything?" Rantaro asks.

"Yeah, it sounds like they took a vote and the majority was to use it," Niles says before pushing off the door. A few moments later, the door is opened by Kirumi.

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