Chapter 17

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As we approach Liam and Niall's door Harry looks at me and smiles, he knows something I'm sure of it. He knocks on the door with six loud knocks, in the Patten he always knocks on a door it's like a beat knock *pause* knock, knock, knock *pause* knock, knock. It's his thing, weird but that way you know its him knocking.

Niall opens the door with a wide smile on his face "I would say sleep well? But I don't think you would have had much sleep if you get what I mean" he winks to which we both laugh

"We'll I backed out mate, can't remember a thing" I say blushing leaning into Harry he kisses the top of my head laughing

"What?" Niall says "So Harry probably had the best time of his life and you,.you can't remember it? Harry, I feel your pain"

I look up and Harry's biting his lip he puts his hand on his chest "the pain Niall, the pain! I feel as if I went all out and and he can't remember anything" harry says dramatically he stumbles to the floor "I'm dying, the pain, the pain!" He lies across the floor

Liam comes up behind Niall "what has happened to him?" He asks looking at Harry on the floor in a heap

Harry looks up winks at Liam "he killed me" he points at me "I had the best night and so did he going from the noises that escaped his lips. But he can't remember now. I think the amnesia has come back!" Harry laughs he puts his hands up for me to pull him up

"Don't joke about that. I never want to relieve that again" I pull him up he kisses my cheek

"No, I don't want to relieve that either. I shouldn't joke about it" he says "You'll have to make it up to me later" he smiles a big toothy grin

"Right, come in then" Niall says letting us in Niall stops Harry and whispers something in to his ear.

I walk in and Liam smiles at me "so you really can't remember last night?" He asks "so my gift was pointless?"

"Not exactly, Harry said that he'd used it on me... So I guess not from his point of view. I drank too much, everyone kept passing me drinks and you can't refuse after someone buys you a drink" I smile "free drinks, what's not to love?"

"Was the same when we got married wasn't it Ni" Liam says to Niall he laughs "although I think we both fully remember what happened"

"Okay, no need to shame me like that" I wink at him. He laughs and sits on his bed.

"So we are here for?" I look around the room at them waiting for an answer. They all look at me and smile as if they know but they don't want to tell me. Which makes the pit of my stomach turn with anxiety. I look at Harry "come on love, tell me already" I raise my eye brows at him he smiles brightly and looks at Niall

"Right, go pack your bags and be back in 10 minutes. You've got no time to loose" Niall says ushering us up and out of the room again

"Couldn't you have said that when we were in our room? Instead of making me get out of bed just to walk here and then to walk straight back to my room?" I huff as the door gets shut right behind us.

Harry smiles biting his lip to stop a laugh coming out. He pulls me in to him and kisses my forehead "Your so grumpy. If I knew you'd turn into a grumpy old man I wouldn't have married you" he says with a hint of glee in his voice.

"You know everything gets thrown upside down once you get married. The romance is dead now love" I smile playfully at him to which he shoves me lightly in the side "although you do look even better looking today than the day I first met you in that car park"

"Are you saying I look better looking as I've aged? Now I know your lying" Harry pulls out the key to unlock the door "You on the other hand, you look beautiful as ever" he says pushing the door open and letting me walk through first like a true gentleman.

That's Your Boyfriend Dad (book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن