Chapter 14

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I take a deep breath as we leave the hotel room, this is the last time I walk this corridor as a single man I smile to myself. My whole body is shaking with nerves, I know there's nothing to be nervous of but I can't help feeling it. "Come on Lou, Harry's going to end up getting there before us" Niall says pulling me along at a much quicker pace.

"Did you feel nervous?" I ask Niall he laughs

"You bloody know I was" he smiles pulling me along faster, instead of a steady walk were now at a steady jog. Niall's probably hungry and wanting to get to the meal after quicker. We come to an arched set of double doors, which Niall pushes open. The room is filled with familiar faces, from my friends and family Harry's friends and family. The room has a arch of white and pink flowers and fairy lights scattered around on it. The isle has rose petals leading up to the front of the room. Niall turns to me and smiles "Are you ready? If not, it's too late to turn back now" he winks I nod at him speachless.

I take a gulp before walking towards the front greeting my mum who stood at the front with my sister's and little brother. My mum looked beautiful, an angel in disguise. I kiss her cheek "You go marry that man before I do" she smiles

I take my stand at the front next to Niall, he smiles at me "when we leave this room you'll be a married man" he whispers in my ear I look at him and smile "tonight Tomlinson you will have the best night of your life, trust me"

"I plan on doing so" I laugh "think I need this day to go well after he showed up" I bite my lip.

"Don't think about it, just concentrate on the here and now. Harry is lucky that he has you after all you've been through. It's a cute story to tell the grandchildren" Niall smiles "of you remembering who their grandad is"

The doors open and Liam walks through, holding on to Harry linking their arms. Harry's hair is pushed back, his piercing green eyes gloss in the light. His eyes lock with mine and we both smile blushing like teenagers at eachother. My teenager self would be proud of me now marrying this beautiful man. He was carved from the gods I swear, he's beautiful inside and out. As he gets closer I can see a little scratch by his mouth that he's tried to cover with make-up. His jaw line could cut through glass it's that sharp, I can't take my eyes off him. He reaches the front turns and smiles at Liam before taking my hands in his smiling brightly from ear to ear.

"Please be seated" the officiate says she smiles to our family and friends then looks at me and Harry "We are all here today to celebrate the joining together of two hearts Harry Edward Styles and Louis William Tomlinson"

"Harry and Louis are delighted that so many of you could be here to share their special day. It means an awful lot to have you all here and many of you have travelled from afar.

They would also like to take a moment to remember those who cannot be here today or are no longer with us" everyone take a moment of silence

"Harry and Louis have chosen to mark their union by making their own unique and shared promises to each other. Harry and Louis, will you please stand and face one another. We will start with Harry's" she smiles giving Harry a nod

Harry takes my hands in his rubbing my hand with his thumb "Louis, well what can I say. If you'd said to me the first day that I met you I'd be marrying you, from the circumstances back then I would have laughed in your face. But look at us now. You light up my world, and without you I'd be left in darkness. Your the sun, your my sun. You make everyday special and make everything seem possible. You are amazing, gorgeous, funny and I love you" Harry smiles a tear rolls down my face

"And now for Louis' " the officiate smiles looking at me I gulp before starting "I think when my eyes first landed on you had had thoughts and feelings that I shouldn't have. But how could I resist? We've both been through so much together and not together. Your the gin to my tonic, your my stars to my night, your the words to my story but most importantly you have the key to my heart. When I lost my memories, that was a dark time in my life, I didn't know who you were. I keep thinking what if I'd never got them back. Because I can't deal with the thought of not having you in my life. I'm glad that I did remember, and that we are where we are now. Because the thought of 'what if' scares me. I love you more and more as each day comes, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" I smile looking into Harry's eyes, his eyes all glassy with tears.

"Harry will first place Louis' ring on his finger. If we could have Louis's ring, please?" The officiate says Stacey stands up and walks to the front to us, she passes Harry the ring

"Harry, please repeat after me:

Louis, with this ring, I am gladly yours and you are mine" The officiate smiles

"Louis, with this ring, I am gladly yours and you are mine" Harry says placing the ring on my finger

"Thank you, Harry. And now for Harry's ring" she smiles "Louis, please repeat after me: Harry, with this ring, I am gladly yours and you are mine"

"Harry with this ring, I am gladly yours and you are mine" I place the ring on to Harry's finger my fingers shivering with nerves as I do so

"Thank you, Louis" the officiate smiles warmly at us both

We then sign the wedding certificate, with Harry's mum, my mum and Niall then stand at the front of the room again

"It is with great joy that I now present to you our newlyweds, Groom and Groom!" The officiate smiles brightly clapping

"You may now kiss your Groom!" She cheers

Harry smiles putting his arms around my back I place mine around his shoulders his eyes gaze at my lips he slowly leans in and kisses my lips. The sound of everyone clapping and cheering fades away as I lean into the kiss. I smile into the kiss and Harry pulls away. Harry nibbles my ear lobe and whispers "can't wait to get you back to our room later" he kisses my cheek smiling brightly at everyone.

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