Chapter 12

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I take off my white robe and smile the myself in the white vintage looking mirror today's the day. I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach with nerves. My suit is later over the top of the dressing table chair I walk over the cream carpet to pick it up I clutch it in my arms. Theres a Knock on the hotel room door my head turns to look at the door holding that they would turn around and leave me. But a brown haired Irish man comes bounding in and runs straight for me making me drop the suit and he manages to push both of us on to the bed, if anyone were to walk in questions would have bee asked.

"How did you sleep?" Niall asks me kissing my forehead

"Not too bad. I'm really nervous now though, he's here right?" I ask him, it's one thing that I've been worrying about that he wouldn't turn up, butbhe will.

"Yeah, Liams with him now. so I thought I'd come and help you get ready" Niall says reassuring me he rolls off me and sits up pulling me up with him "anyway we have a hour. Fancy getting wasted?"

"Absolutely not. If we were under any other circumstances you know I would have said yes" I laugh "I feel like we should get ourselves ready and you can make me look hot for my husband to be"

"make you look hot? mate I aint no fairy godmother mother" Niall laughs I playfuly hit him "Bud your bloody hot and I couldn't work any magic to make you anymore hotter"

"Nialler you are just too cute" I smile at him teasingly.

"Cute, don't call me Cute!" he laughs "can you believe in a matter of hours we will both be married men? Crazy really as I thought you were the one who would have been married first, but it turns out fate didn't want that to happen"

I stand up and walk towards my suit which is now in a heap on the floor probably covered with creases. I lean down and get it and there's another knock at the door "who the hell is it this time?" I mutter as I pick up the suit

"Hey" Liam says walking in. it feels as if it got a sign that says just walk in, its not as if I mind but I'd like to be alone. My mum's supposed to be coming too but not until 10 minutes before hand. Liams supposed to be with Harry as he is his best man "How are you? Harry's absolutely buzzing"

"Buzzing?" I laugh "using my words are you Payne? I'm nervous" I half-heartedly smiles at him he smiles back at me

"Anyway Ni, I need to borrow you i've had a phone call" he says emphasising the 'phone call'.

Niall looks at Liam and he smiles bright at him jumping off the bed they walk out of the room and I'm left in peace, although I'm kind of intrigued to find out what that phone call was about.

I finally am able to put my suit on without being interrupted. I take my phone from the bedside table and scroll through my contacts and find Harry's name and start to type a message

To: Harry xxx

I love you, can't wait to make you my husband xxxx

my thumb hovers over the send button for a minute before I press send.

**** Harry's P.O.V ****

The door knocks it's probably Liam back "come in" I shout as I comb my hairt back standing infront of the mirror.

"Well I thought it was our wedding day" the voice says I turn around and am met by Charlie. My heart is beating faster and faster, why is he here? k can't bare to move he closes the door then puts the lock across he walks closer towards me. I feel my feet pulling me back towards the wall as I'm being pulled by a magnetic force.

"Get out of here, I don't want you here" I try to speak clear but it comes out as a whimper

"Scared of me? why would that be? I gave you love Harry and this is how you treat me in return?" He smirks, putting his arms on the wall so that I can't move "I loved you. You could have cancelled this. But no of course you've got to marry him" I feel as if speak I will break but I know I have to.

" Do you realise how long it took me to get intimate with him because of you. If you loved me you would never have treated me the way you did, it's disrespectful. It took me awhile for me to move forward as I thought it was my fault. But Louis has shown me how I should be treated, not even a pig did he treated the way you treated me. You were and probably still are as a leopard never changes it's spots a absolute dick. Now get out of my room!" All the anger bubbles up inside of me I push him away from me.

But he smiles and hit's me across my face "That's what you deserve bitch" he hits the opposite side of my face now.

I stand back and throw a punch at him in his chest which knocks him back. He laughs smiling "is that all you've got?" my phone Buzz's He looks at the bed where my phone is laid upon I run to get it but he's there before me "aww isn't that sweet. aren't you two just the sweatest"

"give it to me, if you don't I'm screaming and someone will come" I sat in frustration that he won't give me my phone back

"You want it? Well you have something I want he winks walking closer towards me my phone now in the inside pocket of his grey coat he smiles putting his arms around me his right hand finding it's wat to my face he caress my cheek I try to push him off but he holds his grip "why fight it Harold, we both now I'm the best you've ever had" his lip move closer towards mine a strong smell of whiskey intoxicates my nose as his lips press against mine I wait for him to relax then push him off me screaming for my life I run to the door and slide the lock across to unlock it but he pushes me up against the door my head hitting the door at some force the whole room goes black.

***Louis' P.O.V***

I stare at my phone just hoping that Harry would reply it's only been one night but I'm missing him. A scream fill the silence of my hotel room, it's not just a scream though it's Harry's. My hands begin to tremble with fear I press call on his name but there's no answer,I've got to find him what if something has happened to him, But then it's probably just Liam playing a prank on him. I head towards the door pressing call on Liam's name but there's no answer. I try Harry's again I can hear his ring tone coming from the room next to mine, I try opening the door it opens a fraction then gets pushed shut. I Knock on the door "Harry! Harry! Its me Lou let me in" there's no answer "Harry! Let me in!" I sbout at him "Harry!" I try the door again "Hatry your scaring me! Please!" I push the door as it opens yet again a fraction but closes I can hear banging up against the door, what the hell is going on?

"Wait a second Mr. Tomlinson, you shouldn't be going in there" Liam and Niall walk up behind me my heart sinks knowing that neither of them are in tbere.

"I heard Harry scream about five minutes ago but the door isn't opening I'm scraped that he's hurt" I tell them

"mind out" Liam says pushing me to the side he steps back then runs into the door with his alot his body weight the door opens more then is shut again Liam repeats the action again but this time the door opens.

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