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[a little bit of BrightWin in this chap]

Sarawat's smile was wide as he gazed down at the slumbering Panit.

It had taken him some time and a lot of cajoling to get the little boy to sleep. He kept wanting to play and pull at his uncle's hair.

Type wasn't kidding when he said the toddler got fussy during naps, so Sarawat played with him, sang to him, even chased him around, until he finally conked out after dancing to some nursery rhymes.

It was tiring, no doubt. It had only been for a few hours and he was already exhausted. But, if the dancer was quite honest, it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. Being a parent, even for just a little while, was a wonderful feeling!

Sarawat tucked the toddler in, gazed at him, made sure his favorite stuffed hamster was at his head and gazed at him some more. Panit was just too cute!

He finally had to force himself to pull away from the baby so he could go downstairs and prepare an after-school snack for Aura when she returned from school.

So, it was to his surprise to see Tine still there on the couch, watching T.V.

"Tine! What are you still doing here?! You're supposed to pick up Aura from school!"

His husband blinked. "I thought you were?"

"I asked you to do it because I was having trouble getting Panit to sleep!"

"O-Oh... I must have misunderstood." The younger got up from the couch, quickly. "I'll go get her-."

"No, it's fine, I'll get her," said Sarawat, already running to the door to grab his jacket and keys.

Tine followed him. "Wat, I-."

"Can you help me?" Sarawat burst out, unable to keep the irritation from his voice. He flashed his husband a pleading look.

"Please? I know you don't want to do this, but I want to. So, please... can you just... give this a chance and help me?"

The younger had been quiet since they got there that morning, barely saying a few words, and not going near Panit.

Sarawat was aware that Tine knew that he wasn't just talking about babysitting. For months, the older had been hinting and goading and pushing him to at least try this parenthood thing, just to see what it was like.

But, unfortunately, Tine's insecurity about his parenting skills always won over. But, for once, Sarawat wanted his own desire to be a father to win. Just once.

With a guilty look, Tine nodded.

"Panit is asleep, but check in on him occasionally, the baby monitor is on the coffee table. I won't be long."

And without another word, Sarawat hurriedly took his leave.

Thankfully, he arrived just a few minutes before the students were let out. Sarawat parked his car and headed towards where he could see other parents and guardians waiting for their children.

It took a few minutes, but the dancer finally spotted his friend's little girl's cute pigtails bouncing as she skipped out of the school with her friends.

Sarawat waved his arms, trying to catch her attention. Aura caught sight of him, so she hugged her friend goodbye and ran to him.

"Uncle Wat!" she exclaimed, jumping into his arms. "Appa and Daddy said we're spending the weekend together!"

"That's right, princess! We'll have a lot of fun!"

On the way back to the car, Aura chattered on and on about her day and didn't stop even after he strapped her into her car seat and drove them back home.

When they arrived, Sarawat had the little girl put away her things and change out of her uniform while he made her an after-school snack. To his surprise, Tine was already in the kitchen with a plate of apples that he had peeled and sliced into crescents.

The younger gave him a sheepish look as he fiddled with his fingers. "Um... I'm sorry about earlier," he said, in a soft voice, so unlike his usually strong-willed self.

Sarawat's heart melted, but he didn't want to make it too easy for the younger, so he stayed by the doorway, watching as his younger husband fidgeted in front of him.

"Um... Tharn-hyung texted me. They're near the river now. And... um... I'm sorry..." He hung his head like a kicked puppy. "I want to try, Wat, I really do. But, you know I'm not good at this." He bit his lip but raised his head to look at Sarawat with a determined face.

"But, for you, I'll try. So... please, don't be angry at me anymore."

The older couldn't resist anymore. He darted forward and wrapped Tine in a tight hug.

"Thank you," he said. "Besides, Aura is a good kid and she loves us. We'll be fine, okay?"

He pulled back to see Tine smiling now. "Okay," the younger agreed.


[lol, hope you liked it, sorry for the mistakes, luv ya 💕]

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