Honey, Check it out You've got me Mesmerized

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I watched Kianna as she walked like a runway model down the halls of our school. And she didn't just act like a model, she looked like one too. Pretty, skinny and always looked her best. I wonder what her secret is to being that beautiful. I'm surprised I haven't seen her in any ads or commercials, because she definitely should be.

"Man, what the heck are you doing?" Jeremiah asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts about Kianna. "Class is starting soon and you ain't even opening your locker yet?"

That's my best friend looking after me as per usual. We've only known each other for a few months, but we felt like we've been buddies for so much longer. We met in the middle of the school year in grade eight when he moved to Toronto. He was the one to approach me at school in the cafeteria. Ever since then, we've been best friends. He's tall, about 5"11, has dark chocolate coloured skin, and styles his hair in waves.

"Uh, oh yeah. I just zoned out."

"Well, the amount of times you 'zone out' is concerning at this point, brother. You sure you feeling alright?"

"Yep." I stated confidently, grabbing books out of my locker. "What's our first class?"

"English." He replied. "I can't believe we're actually freshmen. We're in high school."

Me and Jeremiah just started high school. This was our second week being in grade nine and it was completely different from our middle school. Maybe the teachers are similar, but our old school was so small and cramped. It was harder to get around our new school, Davidson's Secondary School, as it was much larger than our old one. I'm often late to class, but Jeremiah is able to get around the school way easier than I do, and has already memorized his schedule. Meanwhile, I'm still asking people for directions to the washroom and what our next class is.

"Well, you should believe it as we're obviously in a high school right now. And stop calling people in grade nine 'freshmen'. We don't use the words freshmen, sophomore and all that here." I stated.

Jeremiah used to live in New York before he came to Toronto. He was raised in New York and moved here about half a year ago, because his dad got a job opportunity here. I don't think he likes Toronto as much as New York. I mean, it's where he was born and raised, where all his family and friends are. Who wouldn't miss their home town?

"Whatever. Canadians are weird."

"Well, your best friend is Canadian."

"I know. He's weird."

We walked to our English class greeting our English teacher, Mr. Mack. He said 'good morning' back with a smile on his face. Mr. Mack was a chill teacher as long as you don't break his rules or anything. He's an old man who probably read hundreds, maybe even thousands of books in his lifetime.

I took a seat at a desk next to Jeremiah, who started drawing in his notebook as students came in the classroom. He was drawing a detailed, chinese dragon. I admired Jeremiah's drawing skills. He could draw the most detailed and beautiful projects, but would never let me look inside his sketchbook. I wish I could, as I was curious as to what could be inside his sketchbook, but I respected his privacy. I know he has talent, and if he wants to keep it private, that's his choice to make.

Meanwhile, my mind was occupied thinking of Kianna. She was going to come into the classroom soon, and I was excited to see her again. She was cool. And pretty. But I barely talk to her. When I do, my eyes can never focus on her face, and I get really nervous. Maybe because I try to think of the perfect things to say quickly or I'm just really shy around her or both. I try to look good around her, improving my posture and trying to act normally.

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