• Chapter 22 •

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...but then...nothing. No pain. No explosions. Nothing. For a moment I thought I was really dead, until I heard people begin to cheer.

I opened my eyes and to my surprise, I wasn't dead. I was staring up at Montressor Spaceport. A million questions were racing through my mind. How? How am I not dead? How are we at Montressor? Who changed the portal? Was it Jim? It couldn't be, he was d-dead. Maybe he wasn't?

All my questions were answered by the simple, and joyful sight of Jim on his Solar skateboard, flying alongside the ship. I was so happy and overjoyed that he was safe. I looked around on the ship and everyone else was safe too, which just made me even happier.

Jim made eye contact with me, I was beaming up at him. He flew down and landed on the ship. Morph floated over to him and started licking his face, making him laugh. Jim and I were standing at opposite sides of the ship. We just gazed into each others eyes for a moment. Then I ran over to Jim as fast as I could, I practically threw myself into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, picked me up and spun me around. "We did it, (Y/n)!" he exclaimed.

"You did it Jim! You saved us all!" I said, as he put me down. I pulled him into a long warm embrace.

"I'm so happy your safe (Y/n)..." he whispered in my ear. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Me too Jim...me too" I said pulling away from him, to see his wonderful smile.

Amelia and Doppler walked over to us. I saw Amelia smile and Jim and I's little moment which made me blush.

"Mr. Hawkins..." Amelia glared at Jim. I knew she wasn't being serious, that's just my Aunt Amelia is, but Jim didn't know.

"Uh- Y-Yes Captain..." Jim said, looking quite worried. I was holding back a laugh.

"Unorthodox, but ludicrously effective." Amelia smiled, as she praised him. A look of relief washed over Jim. "I'd be proud to recommend you to the interstellar academy. They could use a man like you." Amelia said.

I couldn't believe it. That's where I was going to attend, though I knew a lot anyway. I would still need to attend the academy to be able to go on voyages such as this without my Aunt. I was only really able to go on this because I'm related to Amelia and she believed I was capable.

"Jim this is so amazing. That's exactly where i'm going." I smiled at him, he looked so happy.

"Just wait till your mother hears about this!" Doppler pointed at Jim, "Of course, we may down-play the life threatening parts." The Doctor whispered, gaining a chuckle from me.

"Friends, that was unforgettable!" B.E.N. said to Jim and I. Jim pushed his hair out of his face, smiling at the robot. "I know you said, no touching but get ready for a hug, cause I gotta hug ya!".

B.E.N. pulled us into group hug, I hugged him back but Jim just stood there stiff for a moment. After a second he wrapped his arms around B.E.N. and I.

After pulling away B.E.N. said, "Hey you hugged me back! Oh, promised myself I wouldn't cry."  He began to sob, quite loudly and dramatically. "Has anyone got a tissue?".

"B.E.N. you cant even produce tears. You're a robot" I laughed.

"Oh yeah! I am, aren't I?" B.E.N. started laughing with me.

Amelia, Doppler and B.E.N. began talking to each other. I noticed Jim looking around, with a concerned expression. It worried me a little.

"Jim? What's the matter?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry. I was just um- Have you see Silver?" He said, snapping away from his thoughts.

"Actually, now that I think about it, no. I wonder where he went?" I said, confused because Silver was here a few minutes ago.

"I have an idea of where he might be..." Jim replied. "Come on let's find him."

I followed Jim as he began to walk away from the group. We began walking towards the are where the longboats were kept. It made sense, Silver was probably trying to escape.

I sighed thinking about the fact that Jim almost died, again. "How many times are you going to almost die, before I can even call you my boyfriend, Mr. Hawkins." I said confidently, a smirk on my lips.

He got a little flustered and blushed. Oh how the turn tables... "What can I say? I've to keep you on your toes" he replied smoothly.

I huffed, jokingly. "Whatever, you crazy casanova. I thought I had you blushing there, for once." I teased.

"Casanova? No that's not me. I only have eyes for a certain girl." He smirked.

"Oh really?" I asked, dramatically.

"Yeah, and she's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen." He said confidently.

"Ok well, now i'm concerned that it's not me" I looked at him, dead serious.

"Of course it's you, you clumsy cutie" He laughed.

"Clumsy cutie? Really? Please don't call me that." I said cringing at the embarrassing nickname.

"Hey you called me Crazy Casanova!" He retorted.

"Yeah because that's actually funny." I joked. I knew it wasn't but I was not going to admit that.

We arrived near the longboats to see Silver accompanied by morph, trying to quickly untie one of the longboats. Jim and I stayed silent, just watching him for a minute.

"Morphy, we gotta make tracks!" He whisper yelled at the little shape-shifter. Morph chirped at him. "I know, Morph...I know" he replied to the small creature.

Out of the blue, Jim spoke, "You never quit, do you?" He chuckled lightly.

"Ah Jimbo!" Silver turned to face us, "Oh and (N/n)!" He laughed. "I was merely checking to make sure our last longboat was safe and secure." He continued as he messily tied the rope back down. 

Jim and I walked over to him. "Mm" Jim said taking the rope and tying down, so it was actually secure. "That should hold it." He smirked.

"Oh come on Jim!" I punched his shoulder playfully. "Let the man escape in peace." I joked.

"I taught the both of you too well, didn't I?" Silver stood up straight.

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