• Chapter 3 •

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Silver walked over to us with three bowls of whatever he had cooked. "Here, now, have a taste of me famous bonzabeast stew." He handed the bowls to us.

I took a sip, and I was delightfully surprised it tasted really good. "Mm this is great stuff Silver" I said.

"Ah thanks young (N/n), Old family recipe" He replied.

An eyeball floated to the surface of Dr. Doppler's bowl of stew. Gross.

"Ahh!" the doc shouted.

Mr. Silver laughed, "In fact, that was part of the old family!" He joked, taking the eyeball and eating it. Uh even more gross.

He looked at Jim who hadn't tried it yet. "Go on, Jimbo. Have a swig."

Jim reluctantly dipped a spoon into the bowl and stared at the spoonful of stew when all of a sudden the spoon changed into a pink looking blob. The little pink blob rubbed up against Jim's face.

He laughed, "What is that thing?".

"Aweeee it's so cute." I said, patting its small head.

"He's a morph! I rescued the little shape-shifter on Proteus 1." Silver said smiling.

Morph shape-shifted into a tiny Jim and stood on Jim's finger. Jim smiled at the little creature, his smile was so cute.

"Awe, it's even cuter" I said without thinking. "Uh- I mean..never mind." I laughed awkwardly.

Morph floated back over to Silver and cuddled into him. "Aw, he took a shine to me. We been together ever since" He cooed at little Morph.

The Doctor left Jim and I with Silver.

"Mr. Silver, the Captain has ordered that Jim and I work under you." I said.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Alright, I guess ye are me cabin boy and girl now, eh?".

"Whatever" Jim said.

"Yeah I guess we are." I sighed.

"Well who be a humble cyborg to argue with a captain?" Silver said.

Jim picked up a weird purple fruit, "Yeah, You know, these purps, they're kind of like the ones back home on Montressor. Have you ever been?" Jim said.

I wondered what he was playing at. He sounded more like he was trying to interrogate Silver than anything else.

"I can't say I have, Jimbo" Silver said as he washes some dishes.

I stood there, awkward as ever just observing the conversation. Jim took a bit of the fruit and sat up on one of the counters.

"Come to think of it, just before I left I met this old guy who was um...He was looking for a cyborg buddy of his."

Silver looked over at Jim, raising an eyebrow. "Is that so, Jimbo?".

"Yeah...what was that old salamanders name?" He was clearly only pretending to think. "Oh- of course yes, Bones. Billy Bones?" He looked up at Silver.

"Bones? Hm Bones? T'aint ringing any bells. Must be a different cyborg, sorry boy" Silver said, not taking his eyes off his work.

"Sorry to break up this lovely conversation, but  we're about to launch . I'm definitely going watch, are you two coming?" I asked. I was really excited.

"Ah you two best be going, there'll be plenty of work waiting for yah when we get going. I'll stay here." Mr. Silver said patting the two of us on the back. 

"You coming Jim?" I asked as I started walking.

"Sure." He said walking up beside me.

When we were out of earshot of Silver Jim turned to me, "There's something suspicious about him (Y/n). We should keep an eye on him."

"Don't be so quick to judge, people constantly do that to me." I said, not wanting to judge a book by its cover plus I thought that Silver seemed nice enough.

"Really?" Jim asked looking a little surprised.

"Yeah, most people don't even give me a chance. They all think i'm weird." I said feeling a little sad.

"We're all a bit messed up. I don't think you're weird, you still have time to prove me wrong." He joked.

I laughed and playfully punched him. We were back on the main deck and ready for launch. I heard Mr. Arrow shouting orders. Jim and I stood there looking up and around at the crew as they opened all the solar sails and readied the ship for launch. The ship began getting higher and higher so the gravity was gone for a moment and everyone started to lift off the deck.

"Woah!" I said grabbing onto Jim's instinctively arm trying to steady myself. He laughed at me.

"Mr. Zoff, engage artificially gravity!" I heard my Aunt Amelia shout from the quarter deck.

Mr. Zoff pulled a leaver and the artificial gravity came on. We all immediately fell back onto the ship. Jim landed alright but of course I landed on my back.

"Ouch." I sighed at my clumsiness trying to pick myself up.

"(Y/n)! Are you alright?" He said putting his hands under my arms and pulling me up to my feet.

"Yeah i'm fine. Thanks for helping me up." I said brushing myself off. I felt really embarrassed. "I think I heard the Captain say full speed, you might want to brace yourself" I held onto the edge of the ship.

I was right, suddenly we were at full speed. Jim stood next to me, the both of us just enjoying the moment. It felt amazing with the wind in my hair. I looked to the side of the ship and there were whale looking animals, floating through the sky. There was more of them approaching and soon enough they were all around the ship.

"Wow...They're beautiful." I said in complete awe.

"They really are. This is amazing." He said looking really happy.

"I wanted to um thank you for finding that map and hiring my Aunt." I said looking up at Jim.

"Thank me? Why?" He looked at me confused.

"Well i've waited for this my entire life. I never thought I would actually get to see treasure planet." I whispered the last part keeping in mind what Amelia had said to me.

"Huh me too." Jim said looking out at the whales once again.

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