• Chapter 14 •

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A little while had passed, we were sitting around doing nothing. I had just been trying to handle my crazy emotions.

"Everyone, we must stick together and..." Amelia said suddenly.

"Stick together and what?!" The Doctor turned to her.

Amelia looked at him, "Doctor...you have wonderful eyes...". She was very clearly out of it, probably with exhaustion and pain. She laid her head back down.

"She lost her mind!" The Doctor said looking over at Jim and I.

"Well, you gotta help her." Jim said.

"Yeah I thought you were a doctor?!" I pleaded.

"Dang it you two! I'm an astronomer, not a doctor." He said pointing at us. "I mean, I am a doctor, but i'm not that kind of doctor." He spoke using his hands quite a bit. "I have a doctorate, it's not the same thing. You can't help people with a doctorate. You just sit here and you're useless!" He said putting his head in his hands.

Jim walked over and put his hands of Dopplers shoulders, "It's ok Doc, it's alright..." he said, trying to calm him down.

"Yeah it's fine we'll figure something out." I said.

B.E.N. walked over to Doppler, "Yeah, Doc! Jimmy and (Y/n) know exact how to get out of this!" He said enthusiastically. I wouldn't be so sure of that, I don't have anything. "It's...It's just they have knowledge of these things." the robot continued.

Jim walked over to me, I was standing by the door.

B.E.N. came over to us and turned to whisper, "Any thoughts at all? either of you?".

"I got nothing." I said quietly, shrugging.

Jim looked up at the R.L.S Legacy that was still floating in the sky, "Without the map, we're dead. If we try to leave, we're dead. If we stay here-"

Morph interrupted him, "We're dead. We're dead. We're dead." he kept repeating it.

I put my hand on Jim's shoulder, "Hey, like I said we'll figure something out."

He pushed my hand away from his shoulder. "No we won't! Don't you see, there is no way out this time. Get your head out of the clouds (Y/n)!" He said angrily at me.

"Oh well, my apologies!" I said sarcastically. "Sorry for trying to be optimistic when everyone else loses hope. I'm suuuch a terrible person for it." I shouted.

"Well. I think that (Y/n) and Jimmy could use a little quiet time." B.E.N. laughed nervously. "So i'll just slip out the back door..." he said backing away slowly.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked in confusion.

"Back door?" Jim said turning around, a hint of hope in his voice. Jim and I walked over to the 'back door'.

"Oh, yeah. I get this delightful breeze through here, which I think is important because ventilation..." B.E.N. rambled on.

I wasn't even listening to him, I just looked down into what B.E.N. considered the back door. It looked crazy, it was like a big tunnel going downward made of metal and things.

"Woah..." I said, amazed at whatever this sight was.

"What is all this stuff?" Jim asked staring down in awe.

"You mean the miles and miles of machinery that run through the entire course of this planet?" B.E.N. said casually.

"Uh yeah...i'm pretty sure that's exactly what he meant..." I replied.

"Not a clue." B.E.N. said blatantly.

"Hey Doc! I think we found a way out of here." Jim said getting up onto the edge of the 'backdoor'.

"Jim what are you doing?" I said looking at him concerned.

The Doctor looked over to what Jim was doing, "Now now, just w-wait. The Captain ordered us to stay-".

"I'll be back!" He jumped down.

"Are you crazy?!" I shouted down.

B.E.N. jumped straight after him, "Cannonball."

"Jim you definitely are absolutely crazy. I can't believe i'm doing this." I muttered to myself climbing up onto the edge. I looked down at the tunnel that looked really far down. "Sorry Doc! I'll bring them back!" I shouted. Then I held my breath and took a leap of faith. Literally.

I was falling, for what felt like too long. I looked down again to see Jim and B.E.N. had landed on a little metal platform. How am I supposed to stick this landing with my gammy legs?! Before I could even figure out what to do, I fell right on top of Jim, knocking us both to the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry. Ow" I groaned clutching at my legs, taking in sharp breaths of air.

"It's alright. Why did you come down here? Are you ok?" He said standing up and brushing himself off.

"I wasn't about to let you go on your own, you're too reckless" I joked. "and not particularly, but i'll be fine. Could you just help me up though?" I said putting out my hands.

"You sure you're gonna be ok?" Jim asked. He took both of my hands and pulled me up. He didn't let go until I steadied myself.

"Yeah i'm sure." I lied, giving a fake smile. In reality I could feel the pain shooting all the way up my legs with every step. I wouldn't go as far to say it was excruciating but you know, it certainly wasn't enjoyable. I was going to have to push through it though, if we wanted to find a way out of here.

"Hey (Y/n)...." Jim said, sounding a little nervous.

"What's up?" I asked.

"About earlier. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, I was just frustrated with myself..." He said. He sounded genuinely sincere.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sorry too, I should've been able to my calm and not snap back at you." I replied

"So we all good?" He said putting his hand out for me to shake it.

"Of course." I ignored his hand and pulled him in for a quick hug instead.

"Hey look guys! Someone has a mini version of my backdoor! Isn't that cute? I wonder if they're a fan or something?" B.E.N. called over to us.

We walked over to where B.E.N. was standing, with little Morph floating beside him.

"Huh it really is like a mini version!" I said looking at it.

"Let's check it out. This could be the answer to our problem." Jim said lifting the top up.

We all slowly and quietly peeked out.

Voyage • Jim Hawkins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now