• Chapter 7 •

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That morning we woke up basically holding each other, with Silvers jacket draped over us. He must've came in and saw us asleep.

After a while, Silver wanted to bring Jim and I out on one of the smaller boats and teach us how to steer it. I was really annoyed because Aunt Amelia didn't let me go with them, she told me it was too dangerous.

I had no idea what to do without Jim there. I just wandered around aimlessly, Silver hadn't give me any work before they went out. I felt weirdly lonely.

Eventually after ages and ages of doing nothing the two guys arrived back. They were laughing and joking. It was really nice to see Jim so happy but I was also a little jealous of all the fun they had. Silver left to do something and Jim walked over towards me.

"Hey! (Y/n)" I pretended to look like I was doing something.

"Oh hey, I didn't even notice you were back" I said. Oh great one (Y/n). Make it seem like you don't care. Idiottt.

"Really?" He looked at me weirdly.

"W-wait no. I-i..." I sighed. "Sorry. Truthfully, i've done nothing all day. I didn't know what to do without you around." I said, looking down at my feet.

Jim chuckled. I felt my cheeks heat up, so I didn't dare look up. He lifted his hand and tilted my chin upwards, so I would face him. "Don't worry about it. I'll sneak you out with us next time." Our faces were extremely close and his finger still rested on my chin. I'm nearly entirely sure I began to blush uncontrollably and butterflies swarmed my stomach.

I laughed awkwardly in response. Was that flirty? No stop being an idiot. Why would JIM flirt with ME.

All of a sudden everyone on the ship started to panic. We both looked around trying to figure out what was going on. Then my eyes landed on it, it was terrifying. I turned Jim's head to look at it.

"Oh no" He said staring up at the star.

I heard Dr. Doppler shout, "Good heavens! The star Pelusa! It's gone supernova!"

Everyone was panicking.

"Evasive action, Mr. Turnbuckle!" Amelia shouted. He turned the wheel and the ship swung around.

The Mr. Arrow yelled, "All hands, fasten your lifelines!"

Everyone rushed over to tie their lifelines. I was so panicked that I was completely fumbling with mine and I couldn't get it tied. Jim grabbed the two ends of the rope and tied it tight for me really quickly.

Parts of the star were flying at the ship left, right and centre. Orders were being shouted constantly. I was trying my hardest to secure the sails but I slipped and fell from one of the high masts. I landed on my feet but it was still extremely painful from the height I had fallen.

I looked up to see that the star had turned into a black hole. It began to pull the ship towards it. Absolutely great.

"(Y/n) Make sure those lifelines are secured good and tight." Amelia shouted from the quarter deck.

"Aye Captain"

I was struggling to get to the lifelines. My legs were immensely weak after the fall and with the waves from the star, there was no way I was he getting over there. I felt an arm around me. It was Jim, he helped me over to them and we both secured them really tight.

Everything was still chaos and now the crew were opening the sails, we had just spent ages securing. I was confused but I trusted Amelia and went with it.

"Lifelines secured captain!" Jim yelled.

"Very good" she replied.

I heard Doppler scream, "Captain the last wave! Here it comes!"

I braced myself holding onto one of the masts for dear life. I was terrified, my eyes closed tightly. I felt arms wrap around me and the mast, holding onto me tight. It was Jim. And then another pair of arms wrapped around the two of us, Silver.

We were pulled into the black hole and there was only silence and darkness. Then suddenly a wave of light, the last wave pushed us all the way out and away from it.

Then I heard the crew laughing, a wave of relief washed over me as I felt the arms release me from their grasp. I opened my eyes slowly, we were safe. I turned around to Jim and Silver. I pulled them both into a huge hug.

We pulled away from each other when we heard Amelia. "Well I must congratulate you, Mr. Silver. It seems your cabin boy and girl did a bang-on job with those lifelines" Amelia winked at me.

Jim and I looked at one another grinning.

Amelia looked ahead saying, "All hands accounted for, Mr. Arrow?" There was no response.

I looked around for him but I couldn't spot him anywhere in the ship. Oh no...

"Mr. Arrow?" Amelia repeated.

Still nothing, then Scroop came crawling forwards. "I'm afraid Mr. Arrow has been lost". He handed Amelia Mr. Arrows hat. "His lifeline was not secure" he glanced at Jim and I.

I stood there in utter disbelief. "No...no" I muttered to myself.

"No, we checked them all!" Jim piped up.

We ran over to where the lifelines were and Mr. Arrows wasn't even there. "It can't be. We did. We checked them all." I began to cry. I couldn't believe I had lost another person in my life.

Jim put his arm around me to comfort me, "They were secure. I swear." He said looking at Amelia.

Her brows furrowed as she looked at Mr. Arrows hat in her hands. "Mr. Arrow was.." she cleared her throat, "a fine spacer, finer than most of us could ever hope to be, but he knew the risks, as do we all." She stood tall, trying to look as strong in that moment as possible. "Resume your posts. We carry on."

I spent the rest of the night sitting in silence with Jim as we looked out at the stars. Every now and then I would cry a little. I couldn't process the fact that he was gone. Jim was really comforting but I could sense his sadness too.

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