• Chapter 8 •

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I still couldn't believe that it was my fault that Mr. Arrow was no longer with us. Amelia had asked me to secure them and his wasn't secure. I was still sitting text to Jim when Silver walked over to us and sighed,

"It weren't yer fault you know? Why, half the crew would be spinning in that black abyss..."

Jim jumped in front of Silver, "Look don't you get it? I screwed up!"

Wait he thinks it's his fault?! 

"I mean for two seconds I thought that maybe I could do something right, but ugh..." He pushed his hair out of his face. "I just- forget it. forget it." He sounded like he was about to cry.

I jumped down from where I was sitting and stood opposite him. "Jim that wasn't your fault! It was mine, Amelia asked me to secure the lifelines. I wish I could've been less clumsy, it seems to be the only thing i'm good at these days. But it was not any fault of yours." I said feeling myself begin to cry again.

"Now listen to me..." Silver turned us both to face him. "...James Hawkins, (Y/n)(Y/L/n) yous have got the makings of greatness in ya, but ya gotta take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls and when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails and show what your made of, I hope i'll be there."

"Thankyou Silver" I said tearing up again and wrapping my arms around him.

Jim joined the hug and i'm pretty sure he was crying too.

"There there. You'll be alright" Silver said hugging us both back. He cleared his throat and said "Now i'd best be getting about my watch, and you'd better get some shut-eye".

I nodded and starting walking towards my cabin, with Jim following closely after me. When we got into the cabin we both laid down in our hammocks. I didn't say anything for a bit, but I couldn't get to sleep.

"Jim, are you still awake?" I said quietly just incase he was asleep.

"Yeah I'm awake" He replied.

"I can't sleep..." I said still staring into the darkness of the room.

"Yeah me neither, a lot happened today." He sighed.

"It sure did. Jim can I ask you a question?"

"Of course"

I had been over thinking a bit so I asked, "Do you think you'll still want to be friends with me when we get home? I mean I know were friends now, but that might just be because i'm the only other person your age in this ship. I have no idea what you actually think of me."

"Oh (Y/n)" He laughed.

I felt a sinking feeling my stomach. Of course he's laughing. Why wouldn't he? I'm a joke.

"Obviously we'll still be friends and I think a lot of you, probably more than you know." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I buried my face in my hands, smiling. It was a relief to hear that. "Jim, I'm happy I met you." I said trying to sound the least awkward. "It's just nice to have someone my age around. Not to mention your really nice, sometimes too nice. You know Jim, your really amazing, Silver was right. You have the makings of greatness in you." I said sincerely.

"What about you? He wasn't just talking to me. You're so smart, funny and, just saying, you're super pretty. You said you were clumsy, but let's be honest, most of the time you do everything with perfect precision." Jim said in response.

My heart practically skipped a beat at the word 'pretty'.

He continued, "What did I do to deserve a friend like you?" He let out a little chuckle.

"you stole my heart..." I mumbled really quiet so he couldn't hear me. "Hah, Anyway goodnight Jim." I said out loud.

"Goodnight (Y/n). For the record I heard that..." He was smiling again, I could just tell.

I was very embarrassed, I didn't think he would actually hear me. I wasn't even sure if what I said was true, it just came out of my mouth without thinking.

I stared at the ceiling for a while, trying to process what had happened for the past while. I eventually tired myself from thinking so much and dozed off to sleep.

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