• Chapter 12 •

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(A/n) I just wanted to say (I might've said it already idk) that most of this story belongs to disney, I'm just writing it with different bits and pieces. I don't need disney coming for me 🖐😌.

"The centroid of the mechanism...or something?" Jim said trying to get the robot to remember.

"I'm sorry. My m-m-memory isn't what it used to me. I've lost my mind...I've lost my mind! You haven't found it, have you?" B.E.N. looked at me.

"Maybe he has lost his mind..." I said to Jim.

"My missing piece? My primary memory circuit?" B.E.N. continued and pointed to the area at the back of his head with the wires.

I looked at Jim with a look that said 'do somethinggg'.

He sighed, "Look B.E.N., We really need to find a place to hide, okay?", Jim explained to the robot. "So um we're just gonna be, you know, moving on."

We started to slowly walk away, I felt petty bad.

"So uh um well. I guess this is goodbye then, huh?" The robot sounded so sad. "I'm sorry that i'm so...dysfunctional" I stopped, still facing forward trying to figure out if we could bring him. "So uh, you guys just go ahead, I do understand..." B.E.N. continued.

"Jim wait!" I called to him. He turned around. "We can't just leave this poor guy here..." I said.

"(Y/n) come on, we have to get going." Jim replied.

"Pleaseee..." I said, pushing my bottom lip out, pouting dramatically.

He sighed and walked back to me, we looked over at B.E.N. slumped on the ground. Morph made a little whimpering noise.

"Look, if you're going to come with us, you're gonna have to stop talking" Jim said.

"Huzzah!" B.E.N. exclaimed hopping up onto his feet. He ran over hugging Jim and I again. "This is fantastic! Me and my best buddies out lookin' for a-" Jim glared at him. "and uh being quiet" B.E.N. mimed zipping his mouth shut.

"And you have to stop touching me." Jim said pushing the robot away from us. I will admit, that he was a bit too touchy.

"Touching and talking. That's the two big no-no's" B.E.N. said.

"Thank you" I said smiling at him.

"Yeah well it's your fault if he annoys us to death. Okay, now I think that we should-" Jim was interrupted by B.E.N.

"Say, listen, before we go on our big search um would you mind if we made a quick pit stop at my place?" B.E.N. said moving some weird plants out of the way to reveal an small old little house looking thing.

"Your place?" I asked.

"Uh yeah" He laughed nervously.

"B.E.N. I think you just solved our problem!" Jim smiled, his eyes full of hope. It was so lovely to see him that way.

We quickly went back to get Dr. Doppler and Amelia, we brought them to B.E.N.'s place. It took a little while seeing as Amelia was injured but we eventually arrived. Outside it was getting a little darker. Amelia wasn't able to hop into the little building because the bottom of the doorway was too high. Dr. Doppler offered to carry her in. He picked her up bridal style and brought her inside.

Jim jumped in then I tried to hop over, but it was taking me a minute because as soon as I went to lift my leg, I winced a little. My legs were still really sore. I didn't want to say anything because I knew Amelia's injury was far worse than mine and if I did say something she would worry too much.

Jim looked back to see I wasn't inside yet, "What's the matter (Y/n)?" Jim asked.

"I-I can't get over. My legs are ugh" I said quietly.

"Here lemme help." Jim said walking over to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside, before I landed on the ground he put his arm around my waist and hoisted me up.

"Thank you, Jim." I said.

"Anytime, (Y/n)" He smiled at me.

"Pardon the mess, people. You'd think in a hundred years I would've dusted a little but you know when you're batchin' it, you tend to uh let things go" B.E.N. laughed whilst throwing things around and out of the way trying to make it look a little more tidy. "Aw. Isn't that sweet? I find old-fashioned romance so touching, don't you?" B.E.N. said looking at the Doctor with Amelia in his arms. "How about drinks for the happy couple?"

The doctor placed amelia down with her back against a wall so she was sitting up. He looked at the drinks that B.E.N. was holding. You could hardly call them drinks, they looked like hot oil.

"Oh uh no, no thank you. We don't drink, and we're uh not a couple." Doppler said, taking off his jacket. Amelia smiled up at him.

I looked at Jim, "Do you think there's something going on there?" I said pointing to the unlikely pair.

"Definitely" he replied and we both laughed a little.

The Doctor changed the subject quickly, "Look at these markings." He looked around the room at the walls.

"Don't be trying to change the subject so quickly Doctor" I said, jokingly wagging my finger at him.

"No, really! They're identical to the ones on the map. I suspect these are the hieroglyphic remnants of an ancient culture."

I looked around at the markings on the walls in amazement.

"Mr. Hawkins, Stop anyone who tries to approach." Amelia said suddenly as she winced at her injury.

The Doctor folded his jacket and put it behind Amelias head as a pillow. "Yes, yes. Now listen to me, stop giving orders for a few milliseconds and lie still." The Doc said in a stern but caring tone.

"He's right, you need rest." I added.

"Very forceful Doctor." Amelia said, gazing up at Doppler. "Go on. Say something else".

The Doctor smiled down at her. All of a sudden  B.E.N. spoke really loud, "Hey, look! There's some of your buddies!". He was standing at the door pointing outside. "Hey fellas! We're over here, fellas!" He shouted, jumping around and waving his arms about.

All of a sudden shots were being fired at us.

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