What's New

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Hey guys! Let's talk about what's new with me and my projects for a moment!

I know many of you are a mixture of both readers and writers, and I've recently joined The Young Writers Initiative as a volunteer. I was talking to a few od you the other day about writing and TYWI has many services that could help you all as writers! (Including editing, beta reading, and more! All for free, ofc.) Find them on Wattpad tywritersinitiative and go check out their instagram!

Next, many of you may know that I have my own instagram account. Up til now, it's been solely poetry, but I've decided to expand it and talk a bit more about my WIPs, writing/wattpad tips, and more (as well as poetry)! So please check it out! Its @_.retrograde on insta.

I also have a new blog based aroumd reading and writing! I'd also love to have some guest bloggers/interviews with you guys so if you have any interesting things you'd want to blog about, just message me and pitch your idea!

Finally, I'd love to get more involved in the writing committee of not only IG, but Wattpad and Tumblr as well. So please DM me on any of those platforms to chat about anything!

Thank you for reading this, and know that I've been reading a lot more lately and will be updating this book with some more recommendations soon.

The Best of Wattpad (books to read) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora