Chapter Six

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Brett drove straight home as fast as possible. He'd lived with the same three people for the past two years, and had gotten to know their schedule. Mainly, the fact that late afternoon was the only time there were less than 15 people in the apartment. He'd moved in thinking that in a three-bedroom flat, there'd be plenty of space for four people.

That was the dream, he thought as he entered the apartment and closed the door quietly behind him. Tyler, Kevin, and Mark were all passed out on the tacky couches haphazardly placed around the living room. It was almost 4 pm, so they'd wake up in an hour or so.

Brett threw out the plastic cups and empty bottles strewn around the room, setting out three doses of Advil and three glasses of water.

Then he decided to call Destiny, who he'd wanted to talk to earlier.

"Hey Destiny, what's up?" Brett said, plugging in his headphones while absentmindedly walking around his room. Well, it technically wasn't his. It belonged to Kevin.

"Nothing much, you?" Destiny said, her cheery voice crackling through his phone.

"Oh, the usual," Brett said. "Avoiding my roommates while pacing a room."

Destiny laughed. "Very relatable," she said. "When I was traveling for ballet, I had to share one room with three other dancers. One of them kicked me in her sleep. For. Two. Whole. Weeks." she said.

"No way," said Brett.

"And her feet were covered in tape to stop the bleeding!"

"Yikes. I'm never complaining about gymnastics again."

"Well, you're in the circus now. Was it all you'd hoped and dreamed?" Destiny said.

"Well, I got thrown into a weight rack, but after that, I had a good time!"

"I admire your unfaltering positivity."

"Thanks," Brett said. "By the way, I'm sorry for being so rude to you earlier today. I should've actually looked at who was talking before reacting like that."

"Don't worry about it," Destiny said. "I've done the same thing a bunch of times."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright then," Brett said with a bit of a laugh. "So, tell me about this sleep-kicking girl."

"Okay, okay. So it all started when she 'accidentally' spilled her water bottle down my back..."

They talked like this for a while. It was mostly small talk, but who cares? For just a moment, Brett could pretend that he didn't have to hide. He could pretend this was his room, and he didn't have to sleep on the couch because Mark "needed the space". He could pretend that he'd moved in out of choice, and not because it would help James if his little brother lived with the sons of some high-end lawyers. It was nice sometimes, to pretend.

Brett glanced at the clock. 4:45 pm. 15 minutes and his roommates would wake up. Shoot.

"Uh, Destiny?" Brett interrupted.

"Yeah?" she said.

"I'm gonna have to call you back. I usually call my brother right about now," Brett said.

"Oh, that's so nice of you! You two must have a good relationship," Destiny said.

"Yeah, something like that," Brett said nonchalantly.

After exchanging goodbyes, Brett ended the call. Then, he dialed James.

James picked up on the fifth ring, just like he always did.

"Hey James!" Brett said.

"Hello, brother," James replied apathetically.

"How was your day at the office?" Brett asked.

"Fine," James said.

"How are mom and dad?"

"They're ok."

"Any interesting new cases?"

"Not really."

They went on like this for exactly three minutes. Brett asking James about his day, James responding in monosyllable. Soon, their routine conversation drew to its end.

"Come visit me," Brett pleaded, just like he did every day. "Taiwan is so far from Australia, and I miss you. I miss our parents, too. I'll pay for the flight and everything," he said.

"I can't. I'm busy with work," James said, not a hint of remorse in his voice.

"Ok," Brett said, trying not to sound disappointed.

"Have a good afternoon," Brett said. Based on the time difference, his brother would have just finished his lunch break.

"Bye," said James, and hung up.

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