Chapter Three

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The only reason Eddy wasn't strangling Brett was that he was trying to hold a split without dying. Brett, on the other hand, looked like he couldn't have been more comfortable.

Stupid ex-gymnasts and their stupid flexibility.

Luckily, Coach Henry announced that they were switching from stretching to partner acrobatics.

"Partner acro is the basis for all of circus!" Coach Henry announced as he divided the group into 2 (by walking down the middle and forcing people out of the way).

"If you want to perform anywhere, including here, you're going to have to fight for it. And right now, we start with the easiest fight: the one against gravity," he said. "Then, if you win, you can move on to the aerials." He glared at Destiny, who had been looking at the lyra wistfully.

Okaaay, thought Eddy. So Coach doesn't know basic physics. That's fine.

"Your partner is the same person you were just working with. They should be standing across from you," said Coach Henry.

Eddy looked across from him. Brett fake-smiled back.

I hate Wednesdays, Eddy thought as he looked away.

"Let's demonstrate the first exercise," said the coach with a menacing grin. "Any volunteers?"

The room was silent.

"Let's see here... Brett!" Coach Henry said.

Eddy had to cough to hide his laugh. Brett walked over in silence as Coach Henry began his demonstration.

"You're going to hold your partner's arm, just like a flying trapeze catch. Then, lean back just enough that you can take one foot off the ground without falling. The main thing here is trust, buttercups. If you don't trust the other person... let's just say your bruises will be very obvious!" The coach laughed, almost maniacally. He and Brett returned to standing and Brett walked back to where he was before, but not without giving Eddy a nervous glance.

Trust, Eddy thought. Yep, plenty of trust here.

"What are you waiting for?" Coach Henry demanded. "Go start the first exercise! Let's see who was actually paying attention," he said with a huff.

Conveniently, Brett and Eddy ended up standing next to the weight rack.

So if this idiot drops me, I'll probably break a few bones, Eddy thought. He flinched when Brett suddenly grabbed his arm, very close to the band-aid covering his burn.

"Relax, I won't let go of you," Brett said.

"Yeah," Eddy said. It came out more sarcastic than he would have liked.

They both leaned back, starting the exercise. Brett was slightly shorter than him, but Eddy was skinnier, so balancing wasn't difficult.

Coach Henry walked past them, "Lift your feet! No one wants to see you just standing there!" he shouted, waving his hands like an orchestra conductor.

As they lifted their feet in sync, Eddy felt their balance tip slightly towards Brett.

"Sorry, can I just..." Brett trailed off, reaching his hand slightly higher on Eddy's forearm.

But that's the thing about partner acrobatics. When you're trusting someone with your weight, you hold onto them very tightly.

So when Brett adjusted his grip, he just so happened to crush the burn on Eddy's arm like a—

"Motherf—" Eddy started to say, but he was cut off by the sound of Brett crashing into the weight rack.

A/N: Sorry this update was a bit shorter. The next chapter will be regular length!

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