Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up slowly. I feel fine but my body feels rigid like when you have been in the same position for too long. I can't remember where I am or how I got here. 

-Are you awake Aurora? A familiar voice asks me. I don't have the time to answer before I feel the weight of a hand in mine.

-Squeeze my hand if you are awake, the voice tells me. I squeeze the hand.

-Good. Can you open your beautiful eyes for me? He asks again. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is a sterile white ceiling. I look to my left where the voice came from and see Hades sitting on an uncomfortable-looking chair. He looks tired like he hadn't slept in days. I sit up and he helps me get comfortable with a pillow behind my back. 

-What happened? I ask because the last thing I remember is standing in the glade during the battle against the titans. 

-One of the titans ran into you from behind since he couldn't see you and you got severe head trauma, Hades answers.

-How is my head now? I can feel something is different, I say. 

-You would have died and to save you I made you immortal, he says while looking down as if he was nervous about how I was going to react. I have never seen him like this before.

- So now I can't die? I ask stunned. 

-No, unless someone kills you with the sword we used to kill the titans, Hades answers. 

-Okay, but am I not aging anymore? What should I tell my mom? She will notice in the future when I still look 18 at age 40, I ask because my mom is the only family I have.

-You can tell your mom about this, but otherwise, it is best not to tell so many other people, he responds.

-That is okay, I don't have any other I want to tell. Another question,
do I have any superpowers? I ask instead. I don't know why I am so calm about this.

-You now have the same powers as me. So you are stronger and faster than before and you can teleport. The teleporting is a little complicated in the beginning, but after a little practice it is easy, he responds, but now he is looking at me again.

-That is cool. But I have to ask, why did you do it? You could have just let me die, I ask him.

-No! I couldn't let you die. I love you. I have never felt anything like this. I have never been afraid in my entire life, but when I saw you lie there I was scared, he says and looks into my eyes. I can see in there that he tells the truth.

-You love me? I ask with a smile to confirm that I heard him right.

-Yes I do, so much, he responds and pulls me into a tight hug. I pull away after a while to look into his eyes again.

-I love you too, I say with an even bigger smile than before. I see the happiness on his entire face when I say the words back and confirm that he is not the only person feeling this way. Then he kisses me. Not quick like last time but slow and with so much emotion. I have never been happier.

-Now you have to come with me to tell my mom about this, I say after he pulls away since we are both out of air and I smile.


-Hi Mom! I say as I walk through the door and hold Hades' hand.

-Hi! Oh, Hades is here too and you are holding his hand. So cute, welcome! Mom says with a smile covering her entire face.

-Hi Mrs. Martin, he says and waves with the hand not holding mine.

-You don't have to call me that. Please call me Kristin, Mom tells him.

-We have something we want to tell you. Let's go to the living room, I say.

-That sounds serious. Let me make some tea first, Mom says, and walks to the kitchen to make the tea. I lead Hades over to the living room and drag him to the sofa. After five minutes Mom comes in with three cups of tea and places them on the coffee table.

-Go on. What did you want to tell me? Mom asks and takes a sip of her tea. I look at Hades, not knowing where to begin.

-I am Hades the original god of the underworld, Hades says while looking for my mother's reaction.

-Okay, why are you telling me this? Mom asks and she seems oddly calm about the news.

-I was attacked and to save Hades made me immortal like him, I say and she falls to her knees inform of me, and takes my face in her hands. She looks at me all over for wounds.

-Are you okay? How are you feeling? Mom asks and looks incredibly worried as if she only heard the first thing I said.

-I am as good as new. Even better actually, I reassure her.

-Okay so you can't die now? Mom asks.

-No almost not, I respond.

-That is good then I don't have to lose you. Are you and Hades a couple now? Mom asks.

-Yes we are, I answer while smiling at Hades. He is smiling back.

-Hades, where do you live? Mom asks him.

-I live in a castle in the Underworld, but I and soon her too can teleport so the distance is not a problem, he answers.

-Okay, but Aurora promise me you will not start to live together until after you have finished your Senior year, Mom says with a serious expression.

-I promise Mom, I say. I can't wait until then. I have never known what I want to do with my future, but maybe that was because I knew Hades would come into my life. However, I know he would never stand in the way of my dreams.

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