Chapter Eleven

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I'm standing in the middle of the glade. Hades is invisible, but I know he is standing right beside me. I can see twenty-four large titans coming at me from the side opposite from where the gods and goddesses are hiding. The titans are larger than the gods, but we are faster and have our special swords. They are very tall and are wearing the same clothes as the men chasing me the other night, but women too this time. In their hands, I see long golden swords. The one in the middle is taller than the others and even from here, you can sense the power oozing from him. He is clearly the leader, Kronos has the gods told me his name was. The Titans are slowly walking towards me thinking I'm here on my own. But they don't know what is coming for them. While the titans are walking towards me, the gods are spreading around the glade so the titans are encircled and have no way to escape. When the titans are halfway towards me the gods are starting to come out from the woods. The titans look around surprised, it's wasn't something they had expected. Had they come a month before I wouldn't have known about any of this and they would probably have killed me. I am really happy I found Hades or technically he found me. I don't know what I would do if I lost him now. In the short time we have known each other, I have started to love him.

Hades is taking off his invisibility helmet and is placing it on top of my head.

-Stay out of it, Hades tells me gently while looking deeply into my eyes.

-I can't handle anything happening to you, he continues.

-I will. Be careful, I say.

-I will, he agrees. I look behind his shoulder and see a big titan with his sword raised to strike Hades in the back while Hades isn't looking.

-Hades! I scream, too terrified to continue my warning. Hades turns as fast as lightning and draws his sword. He counters the titan's sword in the middle of his attack. The titan's swordplay is aggressive, but Hades meets his strikes. From everywhere in the glade I can hear the clinging noises of swords meeting and see the even fights between the gods and the titans. Some titans have already been killed and some of the gods are hurt,  but fortunately, the gods could not be killed by the weapons of the titans. The fight between Hades and the titan is even, but soon Hades sees an opening in the titan's defense. Hades strikes and hits the titan right in the middle of his chest and the titan falls dead to the ground. Not long after Hades killed the first titan, another comes with his sword held high.


I'm looking at Hades fight with one of the titans when I feel a hit in the back of my head directly under the helmet. I can feel the helmet sliding over my head and falling to the ground before me before slowly everything is turning black and I'm falling too.

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