Chapter Nine

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This is a lot to take in. The guy I like is a God who has lived for 20,000 years. He has had an image of me in his kind his entire life and I know how to create the weapon both sides in an upcoming war want. And now we are going to go to Olympus to talk to the other gods. I'm just waiting for the panic attack to kick in or for when I'm going to wake up.

-Take my hand, Hades says and holds out his hand. I grab it tightly.

-It isn't dangerous. You won't even notice. Just close your eyes, he notices my discomfort and says calmly. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

-Are you sure? I ask.

-We're already here. You can open your eyes now, he says still holding my hand. I open my eyes and I'm standing in a giant white room with at least fifteen feet between the floor and the roof. In the middle of the room twelve large thrones in a crescent moon shape. All the thrones are different in their own way. The one in the middle is bigger than the others and is sky-blue with gold details.

-Meeting! Hades screams. Gods and goddesses are suddenly sitting on their thrones. All of the thrones are matching the god or goddess sitting on them. When all the gods are sitting on their thrones Zeus who is sitting on the biggest throne starts talking.

-Why have you called to this meeting Hades? And who is she? Zeus says and points to me.

-This is Aurora and she knows the secret of Afigitis, Hades answers. Everyone in the room gasps.

-Are you sure? Zeus asks Hades while looking seriously at me.

-I'm pretty sure. She has talked to Afigitis in her dreams and she knows how to kill them, Hades says.

-How do you create the weapon then? Zeus asks me suspiciously.

-It's a sword that must be forged by cyclops out of Celestial Bronze and then you must dip the sword on the river Fluegon, I answer.

-The titans have already found her. They chased her and should have gotten to her if I haven't been there, Hades adds.

-Then we can finally kill them once and for all now, Zeus says.

-If they know about her we can use her as bait. Then we have the chance to choose a place to our advantage, he continues.

-I think we should choose a big open place with a good place for us to hide so they will not see us until we want them to, a big guy, with armor and a lot of weapons strapped to his body, says.

-It has to be a place near her home or they would get suspicious, a beautiful woman sitting beside Zeus says.

-Yes, that sounds good. We will also have to choose a time that will benefit us the most, Zeus says.

-Do you know any place like that near your home? A woman with a long brown braid woven with colorful flowers asks me. She is sitting on a green throne made of winding plants.

-There is a big glade about fifteen minutes outside my hometown. There are old hiking trails near the glade that no one uses so there wouldn't be any witnesses. The hiking trails would give me the motive to be there and because no one is there the titans would probably see it as an opportunity to take me, I answer.

-That would be perfect, the guy in armor says.

-Then I will use my helmet and be there with you, Hades tells me.

-Okay, I say and smile because I feel much safer if Hades will be right at my side.

-Then it's decided. I will tell the Cyclops to start with swords. Hades do you take the responsibility to dip the in Fluegon when they are done? It's in your area, after all, Zeus says.

-I can do that, Hades agrees.

-Does anyone have anything more to add? Zeus asks. All the gods are sitting silently in their thrones.

-Good. Then this meeting is ended, Zeus says before he just disappears into the air. One after one the others also disappear until I and Hades are the only ones still in the room.

-I think it's time to show you my kingdom, Hades says with a smile.

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