Chapter Five

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We worked on our group project for almost three hours and he was really funny to be with. We started talking and I usually don't talk much to anyone except my mom, but I felt like I could talk to him. Since he was new in town he asked me if I could show him around a little on Saturday. Because he was nice and funny, I agreed. His good looks don't hurt either.


I next day we had decided to meet again and just as yesterday he was right on time. We almost got a third of our essay done yesterday even if we also got to know each other.

-How are your family? Hayes asks.

-It's just me and mom. My parents are divorced and I haven't seen my father since then. How is yours? I ask in return.

-My family is really complicated. I have five siblings and they have a lot of children. Our father wasn't a good one at all and none of our parents is in the picture anymore, he answers.

-That sounds like a big family, I say smiling.

-You could say. Do you have och have had any pets? he asks.

-No, my mom is allergic, but I want to have some pet when I'm older. How about you? I say.

-I have a dog back home. He is big and looks really scary, but he is really nice once you get to know him, he answers and smiles. I trying to picture Hades sit on the floor and cuddle a big, scary-looking Schaefer. I begin to laugh.

-What are you laughing about? he asks me, but he is still smiling.

-I'm trying to picture it, I answer still laughing.


On Saturday morning he shows up at 09.30 as we said. Since I don't have a car, he is picking me up. I decide that the first thing I will show him is the park.


In the evening I'm really tired, but we decide to go to my place and watch a movie. I show him the living room and tell him to choose a movie, while I go to the kitchen and make popcorn. I walk in with a big bowl and sit down on the sofa. He's sitting on the floor in front of our TV, sorting through DVDs.

-Is this one good? Hayes asks and holds up the movie "Game night".

-Yeah, that works, I answer.
30 minutes into the movie I fall asleep.


The beginning of the dream is the same as always but this time a group of big men chases me and Afigitis. The men are all over three meters tall and have really short black hair. I run faster than her and the men begin to take in on her.

-You need to hurry up Afigitis! I yell at her while continuing to run.

-You need to tell them my secret. They are going to need it, she says.

-Who do I need to tell? I ask.

-Promise me you tell them. Promise me! she yells.

-Who? I start to ask but the men have already taken her. Before anything more happens I wake up.

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