Chapter Six

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She looks so peaceful sleeping on my shoulder. I should wake her up so she could go to sleep in her bed instead, which would be much more comfortable for her. But I like having her next to me like this. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I have never taken any interest in girls. I always was by myself, ruling the underworld, but I can't stop myself from feeling like I want to have her with me all the time.

The day has been great. I didn't care about the town, but I really like being close to her and get to know her. Aurora was excited to show me around and her happiness made me happy too for some reason. The only thing I knew about the town before was where it was and that it was small, however now I know more about the place Aurora calls home. She knew a lot about the history of this town. First, she brought me to the park where we stopped by a cart and got ice cream. I have eaten ice cream before, however, something about her being there made it better somehow. Then she showed me the mall with a couple of clothing and decor shops and some restaurants. I found out that her favorite food was Thai food, so we had lunch at a place called Asian woke. I don't have to eat food, but I can if I want to. After lunch, she told me about a small lake ten minutes outside of the town. We went there and sat with our feet dangling in the water while we talked about a lot of different things.

Aurora begins to stir and a second later she starts to scream. At first, I think she has woken up but her eyes are still closed. She must have a nightmare. 

-You need to hurry up Afigitis! she screams. What she is dreaming about? It exists a prophecy about a day when a woman is going to know the secret of Afigitis and that's all I can think about. Her secret is how to kill an immortal.  Afigitis is a weird name and the only one I know about is the daughter of Gaia and Uranus. Gaia is the earth and Uranus is the sky. They got many children and Afigitis was one of the oldest.  She was even older than the Titans, but she died many thousand years ago and no one knows for sure why.

-Who do I need to tell? Aurora yells.

-Who? She screams even louder this time. She wakes up panting, trying to get enough air. I can see her confusion before she realizes where she is.

-You are okay now. It was only a nightmare, I say gently not wanting to scare her more. She slowly gets her breathing back to normal and she nods.

-Do you want to talk about it? I ask.

-No, I am alright. It was just a nightmare, she answers and looks at the time.

-You should probably go home. It is getting late. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. I didn't realize how tired I was, she says with a tired smile.

-It's okay, we had an exciting day. I shall go, but I will see you in school on Monday. Goodbye Aurora, I say and walk to the door.

-Bye, she replies and opens the door. Just before I exit her garden I look back and see her look at me from the living room window. When she notices that I see her, she closes the curtain rapidly and I smile.

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