Chapter Ten

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I teleport myself and Aurora to the throne room in my castle in the underworld. The entire room is black. My throne is standing at one end of the room. The throne is tall and made entirely of black obsidian. The whole right side of the room is covered in tall windows looking out over the underworld.

-Come, I tell Aurora and lead her over to stand in front of the windows.

-Wow you can see so far from here, she says as she looks out over the underworld.

-These are the fields of Asphodel. To the right is Elysium and Isle of the blessed. To the left is the entrance to Tartarus. On the other side of the fields of Asphodel are the main entrance and the Judgement pavilion. The fields of punishment are behind Elysium, I tell her.

-Everything has so cool names, she says and laughs.

-I was thinking we could go to the main gate and visit my dog Cerberus while we wait for the Cyclops to finish forging the swords, I say.

-That sounds good, she agrees.
I grab her hand and teleport us to the main gate.

-Aurora, this is Cerberus, I tell her as she's looking scared up at Cerberus. 

-Cerberus, this is Aurora. Be kind to her, I tell him and give him a strict look. I understand why Aurora is scared. Cerberus is ten feet tall and has three heads. He bends his head for me to pet him.

-You can pet him too if you want. He isn't as scary as he seems at least as long as you are not a soul trying to escape, I tell Aurora.


After a while, the Cyclops comes with the swords.

-Thank you, I tell them, and they grunt in response. The Titans imprisoned all the Cyclops when they ruled before us so the Cyclops hate the Titans as much as we do.

-I have to dip these in the river Fluegon. You could either wait in the palace or the Elysium or you could come with me. But I have to warn you Fluegon is flowing through Tartarus and that is not a nice place. Tartarus is where all the bad guys and monsters are sent, I tell Aurora.

-I want to come with you, she answers surely.

-Okay. I will not let anything happen to you, I say.

-Are you ready? I ask as I grab her hand with my left hand and the bunt of swords with my right.

-I'm ready, she says. I teleport us to the bank of the Fluegon river.

-This was not what I imagined when you said river, Aurora says.

-I would have been surprised if you did, I tell her and look down at the river of flowing fire. I begin to dip the first sword into Fluegon. The whole process doesn't take long so I'm soon done when Aurora screams. I turn around to find what has scared her when I see a Hydra walk closer to us.

-You don't have to be afraid it would hurt you when you are with me, I try to assure her.

-Just finish so we can go back, she says.

-Okay, I say before I go back to dip the last swords. When I'm done I grab the swords and take Aurora's hand and teleport us back to my palace.

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