Day of the Dead

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"What the hell is going on here?" Jon spat, walking over to Dean without hesitation, helping him up as Dean wiped his bloody face, looking over at Calvin and the other few men as he stood beside Jon, "Huh?" Jon spat towards Calvin.

"I'm just going where money takes me." Calvin said.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Jon spat, "We had a deal. I paid you to testify in court to get your friend out of a murder sentence. I done my part, you did yours. That was it." Jon said, "I sent my brother here to let you know the cops were sniffing around, to make sure we had a similar story to fall back on so they'd go away." He said, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jon asked.

"You put your trust in the wrong people." Calvin shook his head, "After the trial, a man came to me with a plan. I like plans." Calvin nodded, "He paid me a generous amount of money to participate in a little set-up. This set-up right here." He said, "I know you. I know where you came from, and I'm not talking about the new family you found yourself all those years ago." He said, "I'm talking about your real parents."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Jon asked.

"Well surely you can put one and one together. You're a smart kid." Calvin said, "Who do you think your dearest mother got her drugs from?" Calvin asked as Jon tilted his head while Dean leaned against the back of one of the cars, "Who do you think chased your parents out of Chicago?" He asked with a smile as Jon shook his head.

"No… No, Jo said-"

"What would Jo know? He's closer to your age than he is mine." He said.

"It was you who killed them…" Jon shook his head, "You chased them out of Chicago and then… then killed them anyway?"

"I killed your dad." Calvin said, "Not your mom." He said, "She killed herself. Remember?" He said as Jon narrowed his eyebrows, "It's sort of funny actually." Calvin nodded, walking further towards Jon, "You found yourself a new life. A new start and yet… you've built yourself a life where you are just… constantly surrounded by it all." He laughed.

"Why-Why would you kill my dad? Why did you even threaten them?" Jon spat as Calvin just shrugged.

"Because they owed us money." Calvin said, "And the threat. The threat was against you." He said, "I told Sienna, right in this very garage, that if she didn't find the money for us, then I would pick you up from school one day, and send you back to her, limb at a time." He said.

"You're fucking shit." Dean spat, spitting out blood as Calvin just laughed.

"Don't think I don't know your dad either, Brooks." Calvin laughed, "Dirtiest of them all." He said as Dean looked across at him, "Shame he's never getting out of prison."

"Real shame." Dean spat.

"You told my mom you'd kill me if she didn't find money or leave Chicago?" Jon asked.

"Mhm." Calvin nodded, "And so they left. She spoke to your mom." He pointed to Dean, "They made an arrangement for Jonathan to stay with you until they could come back for him." He said, walking around the garage as Jon and Dean looked at one another, "But newsflash, they never came back."

"So what do you want with me now?" Jon spat, "You tortured my parents. You got what you wanted. I helped your friend get off. What more could you possibly want?"

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