"i don't know." she suddenly layed down next to him and i got an idea. i opened my camera and put my hand over her as i held her closer to me.

we both smiled and sat up and checked the pictures. she's so cute.

"do you have eyes jaebeom-ah?" i was surprised when she called me by my name but i set this as my lockscreen.

"are you gonna sleep here tonight?" i asked as i put my phone down.

"i don't know, it's still kinda early though"

"the door's open if you wanna sleep here" i turned around and was about to open my phone when she spoke. "are you gonna sleep?" i just nodded.

"sleep well jaebeom-ah!" i heard her say and she left the room. i sat back up and opened our gc.

active now

ya! what do you mean jaebeom!


mark hyung is all red now guys :)

no only markson exists

casually saves the audio file

i saw her phone's lockscreen and it
was mark hyung

she got shy when i just mention his name

isn't that cute 😍

hyung is lowkey red now

idc i still have a picture with her :P

omg send them hyung!

i don't have it, it's in yuna's phone

that reminds me, we don't have a gdm with her

i'll make one


i woke up when i suddenly heard someone crying. i rubbed my eyes and saw someone at the door.

"hey uh are you okay?" i asked and sat up and they turned around. "y-youngjae?"

"o-oh sorry i woke you up yuna, i was just gonna go to the convenience store" he said and fixed his knitted hat.

"i'll go with you" i  grabbed my hoddie. "u-uh you don't -have to" i grabbed my mask and went to him.

"let's go" we both exited the dorm and i still heard him sobbing i decided to hold his hand. he looked at me for a second but i just smiled at him.

when we reached the store we both sat down. i sat across of him and saw that he was wiping his eyes.

"hey youngjae, what's wrong?" i asked and put my mask down so he can see my face.

"i-it's nothing yuna" he looked down so i held his hands again. who hurt this sunshine, let me fight them.

"it's okay you can tell me" i gave him a soft smile.

"i-it's just," he started.

"i kept receiving messages from saesangs from my private kakaotalk account and they kept bothering me. this has been going on for a whole now and i kept telling them to stop but they won't listen" he looked really stressed and looked like he was thinking with alot of stuff.

"i also started feeling insecure about singing again. i know that i love doing this but my confidence suddenly dropped when i saw the netizen's opinions" he looked like he was trying not to cry.

"youngjae-ah," he looked at me. "believe me when i say that i felt that before, they would say that we shouldn't bother them but we can't. try talking to the other members about this, i think they'll make you feel better" i smiled still holding his hands.

he was at the verge of crying but he couldn't keep it in and just broke down. i hurriedly sat next to him and gave him a hug. he didn't hug me back already but soon did.

"w-what were they saying about you?"

"t-that i dont deserve to be the main vocalist.." i felt my eyes get watery aswell. i let go of the hug and put his mask down as i held his cheeks.

"youngjae-ah, you know yourself you're talented. i think you're good looking and look so cute too. please don't get affected by them. i'm always there to support you and shower you with compliments if you need them" he nodded.

i let go of his cheeks and smiled softly at him. "do you wanna eat anything?"

"i don't know, maybe some ramen?" he was wiping his tears away and he put his mask back on.

i stood up and grabbed one instant ramen from one of the aisles and went to the counter. "are you gonna eat it here ma'am?" the cashier asked and i nodded. i payed for the ramen as i waited for the water to boil.

when it was done the cashier poured it in and i grabbed two chopsticks for me and youngjae. i carried the ramen back to our seat saw him at his phone. i placed the ramen down the table and he saw.

"w-wait did you pay for this?" i nodded and  opened the ramen.

"oh no, let me pay you back y-yuna" he said and grabbed his wallet.

"no it's okay youngjae-ah, maybe this can make you feel a little bit better" i insisted and give him the chopsticks. it's not alot but maybe he needed this.

"you comforting me made me feel so much better" i saw him smile underneath his mask.

i was about to eat the ramen but when it made contact with my tongue it was hot. "careful" youngjae said having his mask down and still blowing the ramen he took.

when it finally cooled down we both ate. i didn't eat alot cuz i wanted to give it to youngjae.

i saw him took a picture of me when i was eating. "hey delete that" i tried to grab the phone from him but he raised it up.

"no way, you look so girlfriend material here" i blushed a little at his comment. he showed me his phone and saw that it was his wallpaper.

"finish the food youngjae-ah" i sat back down across from him as he quickly finished the food.

i saw the time and it was already 2:30 am. "youngjae-ah we should go back to the dorm now" i let my hand run through my hair.

"can we stay here for a bit? i still need to.. think" he asked me to sit back down next to him.

i sat down and just grabbed my phone. i saw that they made a group dm with me in it but i decided to check it tomorrow. i saw youngjae's phone and he was checking the netizen's comments again.

"youngjae-ah, i told you you're talented okay? you deserve your position as their main vocalist. please dont look at those comments anymore"

"right, let's get going now" we both stood up and left the convenience store.

when we reach the dorm it was really quiet, all of them were probably asleep now.

"yuna-ah," i turned over to him. "thanks for comforting me, i think i would've still kept crying if it wasn't for you" he said and chuckled.

"anytime youngjae, goodnight"

"goodnight yuna" he answered back before he went to his room. i went back to the living room and i finally slept peacefully.

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