She shot me a playful glare. "Oh, you wish!"

The banter flowed seamlessly as the three of us engaged in a friendly yet intense training session. The clash of weapons and the occasional laughter filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere of growth and connection in our ninja haven.

"They're ready, brother," I announced with a sinister smile. His eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Good. It's time to start phase one." He nodded, a silent understanding passing between us. "Who are our targets for phase one again?" he inquired, prompting a low growl to escape my throat. "Karloff and Neuro," I replied with a predatory edge in my voice. He nodded in agreement. "Right. Say, when are we going to get the fire ninja?"

A devious thought crossed my mind as I considered the upcoming maneuvers. "Now that I think about it, we should grab them all tonight. No alert until it's too late. If we target two tonight, it'll put Wu on edge, hinting that we might be after some elemental masters. This will only make it more difficult for him to anticipate our moves and protect the red one." My brother absorbed the plan, his expression reflecting a mix of cunning and approval. "I agree. In what order?"

Once again, I delved into the strategy, plotting the most effective course of action. "If we go for the others first, they could be called in to look for them, especially if we get caught in the process. The best approach is to secure the red one first while they're still in the shadows of slumber. I have these special handcuffs that will block them from using their powers until they're convinced they can't resist and are willing to obey."

A wicked grin spread across my brother's face. "I like it," he declared, the thrill of the impending chaos fueling our malevolent alliance. The shadows embraced our intentions as we prepared to set our nefarious plan into motion.

The night settled over our ninja sanctuary, casting a tranquil ambiance as everyone prepared for bed. However, the peace was disrupted by the familiar strains of bickering between Cole and Jay, their voices echoing through the halls like an unwelcome discord. "Ugh! Will you both shut up!?" I growled, my annoyance palpable. Zane, usually the voice of reason, chimed in, "I have to agree with Kai on this one. You're both getting quite annoying."

Despite our attempts to diffuse the situation, an uneasy feeling lingered in the air. As I finished brushing my teeth, an unsettling sense of foreboding settled over me, a nagging intuition that something was amiss. With a collective sigh, we each retreated to our respective sleeping quarters, hoping for a respite from the ongoing clash of wills.

However, even as I lay in bed, the unease persisted. The darkness seemed to amplify the disquiet within, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was on the horizon. Anxiety clung to me like a shadow, making it difficult to find solace in sleep. Eventually, exhaustion overcame my restless mind, and I drifted into an uneasy slumber, the ominous premonition lingering in the background of my dreams.

Lying in bed, an inexplicable restlessness tugged at the edges of my consciousness. Unable to ignore the nagging feeling, I sat up and scanned the room for Pixel, who was diligently engrossed in her mechanical designs at her desk. "Oh! Sorry, did I wake you up?" she inquired, her attention momentarily diverted. I shook my head, voicing the unease that clung to me. "No, I just couldn't sleep for some reason. Something's not right. I can feel it."

Pixel paused her work, turning her full attention toward me. "What do you mean?" she asked, her confusion evident. "I don't know. It just feels like something's off, but I can't pinpoint it." She focused on her blueprints again, offering a reassurance grounded in logic. "You're probably just stressed with the news Wu told us today. Everything's fine, Nya."

Just as she finished speaking, a sudden thud resonated from the boys' room. Pixel halted her task, a concerned look crossing her face. "What was that?" she asked, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Jay or Cole probably fell off the bed again." Her laughter joined mine, yet an unsettling feeling lingered.

"Hey, Pixel. Can we just check the monastery real quick to ease my nerves?" I asked, the persistent sense of unease refusing to dissipate. Pixel looked at me, sensing my underlying worry. "Something still feels off?" I nodded. "Alright, if it makes you feel any better."

Leaving her room, we traversed the monastery, discussing various topics along the way. However, the peculiar sensation persisted. As we approached the boys' room, I could sense Pixel's curiosity. "Are you sure you want to check their room?" she inquired. I nodded. "Absolutely. And don't hide it; you want to see Zane asleep. I know you do." Pixel blushed but chuckled in agreement. "Okay, maybe I do." Our banter continued, adding a touch of humor to the serious situation.

Reaching the door, I opened it slowly to avoid waking them. However, upon entering, I noticed Kai's absence. A sense of concern replaced the unease. Spotting the open window, I whispered to Pixel, "Where's my brother? I don't remember seeing him in the halls or anywhere." Pixel, seemingly scanning for information, instructed me to wake up the guys as she hurried out. The mystery deepened, and a new sense of urgency propelled us into action.


(I did it! It took so long but I did it!
Now I have a question for you guys to answer in the comments.
Are you a Jaya shipper?
Or a cole x jay shipper (forgot ship name) I need to know. I'm having trubble deciding what ship to pit in the book. 😂)

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