They both grew flustered.

"Bulma...," Niya rubbed her arm.

"Mom," Trunks cleared his throat. "Nothing like that. We really need you to go inside now." Urgency rang through Trunks' voice, and their embarrassment faded.

Bulma's teasing look faded, and her brows furrowed with concern. She gave a small nod and hurried inside.

"Alright, come on out, Cell!" Niya turned around.

Trunks turned to the creature as well. "You're going to kill us, revert to an egg, get on the Time Machine, and go to the Past to absorb Androids Seventeen and Eighteen, right?"

Cell, tall, green and spotted in his Imperfect Form, was taken aback by the saiyans.

"What?" Cell croaked. "How? How did you come to learn that information?"

"Because we helped stop your plan before," Niya placed her hands on her hips.

"It failed," Trunks told him. "And it will again today."

Cell moved to open stand in front of them. "My plan failed?" he questioned. "No! Impossible!"

"You were difficult to defeat in your Perfect Form, but never again," Trunks scowled.

"This is the end of the line for you, Cell," Niya narrowed her eyes.

"My Perfect Form?" Cell spoke to himself. "Ah, of course. You've already gone to the Past! That's how you know so much."

But then he wore an amused look. "But neither of you can defeat me," Cell declared. "The spy bots have calculated how strong you two are. Neither of you can defeat Seventeen or Eighteen, much less me."

"Oh?" Trunks wore a slight smirk. "Then, where are they now?"

Cell was taken aback. He clenched his fists. "You don't mean... you destroyed them?!" he was furious. After a moment, he loosened up, "Ah, well, even so, there's still little Niko who has half of Seventeen's genetic makeup." He licked his beak. "He will be quite a treat before my trip to the Past."

Niya glared, "You're not laying a finger on him!"

Cell began to laugh, and before either her or Cell would make a move, Trunks forced Cell into the air away from the city. He followed with Niya trailing close behind.

They ended up landing in a rocky area. It would he the saiyan couple against the final Android created by Doctor Gero.

"I suppose you aren't as weak as I thought, Trunks," Cell chuckled.

Trunks frowned and rose to Super Saiyan. "Niya, you can sit this one out."

Niya crossed her arms. "Fine," she gave in. "Beat him for me, Niko, and everyone."

"Right," Trunks nodded, glaring at Cell. "I haven't forgotten that he killed you, Kusuke, and Goku."

"Thanks," Niya gave him a kiss on the cheek before glaring at Cell and finally taking off back towards the Time Machine.

Niya returned and was greeted with a worried Bulma. She assured her that Trunks was taking care of the final threat of their timeline, and that everything would be fine.

Feeling reassured, Bulma went back inside, and Niya waited inside the Time Machine.

× × ×

After a short while, Trunks returned.

Niya smiled at him as she leaned over the edge of the Time Machine. "How'd it go?"

Trunks chuckled and jumped in next to her. "Without a problem," he sat down. He leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes, letting out a breath.

The Super Saiyan GirlWhere stories live. Discover now