Future Timeline - Tale 4

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Noemi let out a breath, creating a small cloud of warmth before it soon faded away. She had only been to the North once with her parents. Her first and joyful experience with snow. It was such a happy time so long ago...

"Damn it, Niya," 17 mumbled, "She always loved the snow. I should have figured she would hide here."

"Hmph. I don't get why you even like her," 18 remarked, annoyed. "I still can't believe you have a kid with her. A saiyan."

17 shoved his hands into his trench coat pockets, the same brown trench coat he had let Niya wear from time to time.

It was sometimes hard to believe himself, that he - Android 17 - fell in love with a female saiyan and even had a son with her.

He was silent as he thought of how much Niya had changed him over the years. He had always thought she was a human until just before they knew she was pregnant. When she found out he was Android 17, he had found out she was a saiyan. Their relationship changed forever from that point, and they forever changed as they became parents.

And now everything had changed again. The two people he cared most in the world, other than his twin, had run away. His love, Niyata Briar, and his son, Nicholas Briar, had left him.

Typical. That was what he got for caring. Hurt and betrayal.

But even so, 17 loved them, and he needed to find them.

It seemed like 18 accepted his silence for an answer, not wanting to press the matter further.

Noemi had listened quietly, and she too wondered the same things, but of her Aunt. She could never understand how Niya could love such a violent, cruel, monster like him.

She clenched her fists. Without Niya or Trunks, she was the last fighting saiyan on Earth -- its last hope.

Noemi took a deep breath before pointing to a house figure. It almost perfectly blended in the snow. "There. They are in there."

Android 17 and 18 halted. They narrowed their eyes and tried to see what Noemi was pointing at.

She, too, stopped and did so in front of them so they could see better.

17's eyes widened. "It's a house."

18 turned to her twin, "Do you want me to wait out here?"

"No," 17 replied. "I'll need you to distract Trunks while I get Nick from Niya. I don't care if you kill him." Then, he paused, "Actually, I do care. I want to kill him."

"Alright," 18 replied.

Suddenly, 17 snapped to Noemi. "You lowered your energy, right?" he asked, some actual fear in his eyes.

Noemi couldn't believe he was so nervous. She just nodded in response, lying. There was no need to lower her energy.

That seemed to calm 17 down, and he quickly composed himself. "Good. Now, stay here and stay quiet," he commanded.

Noemi gave a nod. She needed to seem obedient. She couldn't make them suspicious of her plan. "Okay," she replied quietly, blowing hot air into her cold, nervous hands.

The Androids narrowed their eyes at her. She was acting a little too calm for hearing that they were going to kill Trunks and take Niko away. Perhaps she was truly scarred from 17 killing all those people because of her. Perhaps her tiny, innocent mind had broken.

"Hmph," 17 turned back towards the house. "Let's finish this already."

"Finally," 18 cracked her fingers.

Then, they headed towards the house. Their feet crunched under the snow as they made their way for the door. It was halfway covered with snow. The Androids found it odd, but they kicked down the door and entered.

Noemi hurried to fly towards the back of the house. She frantically felt around until felt what she remembered. Relieved flowed through her like a waterfall. She only hoped it would work.

Underneath her fingers, was a large, red button.

"Thank you, Dad," Noemi whispered. The house had been theirs. Their house in the North to enjoy the snow. They had planned to return several times, but they never did. The Androids killed her parents...

Noemi was filled with raged. "This is for you guys!" she then slammed her hand against the button and flew back.

In a few moments, the house exploded. The Earth rumbled as giant flames rose from the house. Noemi shielded her face from flying debris. She gasped, however, when air waves from the explosion pushed her down to her bottom on the snow.

Noemi stared wide eyed at the house in flames, smoke trailing up into the already gray sky. Was that it? Were the Androids dead?

Noemi then hurriedly pulled herself to her feet. Could her plan have worked?

Unbeknownst to anyone else, Kusuke had loaded the house with saiyan technology explosives, just as he had their other house. He, or her mother, Kandice, or even her would press the button and blow up the house in case of a threat, in case the Androids would invade their home.

Kusuke had never been able to try out the explosives before, as he never managed to lure the Androids inside. But now, Noemi had managed and done what her father never got the chance to do.

The explosions were made from alien material, he had told them. And they were only to be set off in emergencies.

Noemi sank to her knees as there was no sign of the Androids. Her tiny hands dug into the burning cold snow. As soon as she sighed in relief, tears escaped her eyes. Soon, a sob escaped her throat. She was trembling all over, but she was so happy.

"Mom... Dad... I did it," Noemi cried. "They're dead... Y-You can rest now..."

She continued to cry, hugging herself as her pain spilled out of her. The Androids had ruined her life, had taken the people she loved the most. And now, her happiness turned into emptiness. She still had no parents. They would be gone forever.

Noemi stood and wiped her eyes. What now? What were they supposed to do now that the nightmare was over?

She looked around, and all she could see was snow. There was snow for miles on end. Would she just... return to Capsule Corp? Await for her Aunt Niya and Trunks to return with the troublesome Niko?

Noemi took a deep breath. "Goodbye, Androids Seventeen and Eight--"

As Noemi turned around back towards the house to say goodbye, her eyes widened.

The two Androids were alive and well. They glared darkly at her, despite their ripped and charred clothes.

"Leaving so soon?" 17 clenched his fists.

Noemi couldn't help but stare at his eyes. They were so dark, so full of hate, and worst of all, seeking to kill.

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These Future Timeline chapters happen after every five chapters. And the next one, part 5, is gonna be the last one before the end of the story! Noemi's tale comes to a climax!


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