EP. 28 - Bygones

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The Time Machine flashed back into the Future Timeline and slowly landed on the ground just outside of Capsule Corporation. Immediately, Niya and Trunks were struck with the realization of how different the timelines had turned out. The Corporation as well as West City was in total ruins in comparison to the lively streets and green shrubbery in the Past.

Niya furrowed her brows. "I wonder how long we were gone from here," she bit her thumb nervously.

Trunks picked up on her fear.

Niko, on the other hand, jumped from his mother's arms and out onto the ground once the glass covering of the Time Machine lifted. He landed unsteadily and fell on his bottom but he laughed it off.

Niya hurriedly jumped after him and knelt down. "Are you okay?" she placed her hands on the side of his face.

Niko stopped laughed and nodded with a smile, "Mm! Can I see Papa now? I miss him!"

Niya froze. She remembered. Niko was supposed to be spending his time with 17 while they were away. It was supposed to keep 17 in check, make sure he didn't kill. He would never in front of Niko.

But Niko was away. He had snuck into the Time Machine and traveled to the Past with them.

Niya began to panic. She stood and sensed around, "Noemi! Auntie! Bulma!"

Niko curiously looked up at her.

Trunks turned the Time Machine back into a capsule before scooping Niko into his arms and grabbing Niya's hand. "Hey," he started gently, "calm down. They're inside."

Niya calmed down after a moment. "Yeah," she lightly laughed, relieved. "Sorry. I was just really worried."

Trunks gave her a reassuring smile. "There's no need to be worried anymore. We can take them," he referred to the Androids.

Niya reached up, but stopped, remembering she had no Red Jewel to help her anymore. It felt so strange. Frankly, she felt a little lost.

"Hey," Trunks lightly squeezed her hand, "let's go inside."

Niya looked up at him and smiled, "Okay."

Trunks returned it, and they ducked a bit to enter the garage. "Mom! We're home!" he called out when they walked down some steps.

Niya waved with a smile as they saw Bulma at a nearby desk reading some magazine.

Bulma turned to them and immediately stood, pressing a hand to her chest in relief. "You guys! You're safe!" she hurried over to them.

"Grandma!" Niko smiled and wriggled in Trunks' arms, reaching for her.

Bulma gave a weary smile and took him in her arms. "Hi, kiddo! I missed you!"

Niko giggled, "You're silly. I just saw you."

Bulma chuckled, forgetting they had made her in the Past. "Well, I missed you already!"

Niko smiled and looked around again. "Did you see my Papa? I miss him."

Bulma held a smile. "No, I'm sorry, sweetie," she lied. "But I'm sure he misses you, too."

"Oh," Niko looked down.

"But you know what? Your Auntie Lala missed you. Why don't you go talk to her?" Bulma suggested.

"Auntie?" Niko questioned. "I just saw her, too." Then, he asked, "Can I see Noemi?"

"Ah, no, sweetie," Bulma replied quickly. "She's sleeping. Go with your Auntie now." She set the boy down.

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