EP. 7 - Family

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Krillin and Niya stared, speechless, as they watched the Androids fly closer to Goku with each passing second. Then, the Earthling snapped out of his daze and turned to his unconscious friends.

"Niya," he began, "let's go help the others!"

The saiyan flinched and nodded in agreement, and so, they both flew down to their friends.

As Krillin took out a bag of senzu beans, Niya told him to put it away. "Please," she shook her head. "Save those for later. I can heal them. It's the least I can after doing nothing..." She looked down at her hands, who were still slightly trembling.

Krillin noticed and gave a slow nod. "Alright. But, Niya, don't beat yourself up about it. I understand why you would be scared."

The human had no clue as to why she was so afraid, but Niya gave him a small thankful smile anyways. "Thank you." She then went to Tien, who was closest, and kneeled beside him. She placed her hands over his chest and closed her eyes. A crimson aura began to eminate from her body, and the crimson energy wrapped itself around Tien. He groaned a bit, but his eyes slowly blinked open. Niya noticed, then opened her eyes and pulled her hands away. The crimson energy dissipated after a moment. She smiled at Tien, who sat up, rubbing his head. "Do you feel alright?" she asked him.

Tien looked down at himself then to her, and nodded. "Yes. Thank you."

Niya nodded with a gentle smile before healing Piccolo, Trunks, and lastly, Vegeta, who quickly stood and hurried away from her. Niya simply sighed and got in the circle with the other four, looking weary as she stood next to Trunks.

She somewhat heard their conversation. Piccolo showed his concern over how much the Androids knew about them, and chastised Tien for blaming Vegeta. Piccolo pinned the blame on everyone, saying they had all underestimated the strength of the Androids.

Vegeta was ticked off by the words and blasted off. His son began to take off after him, but Piccolo told him to leave the prince alone. He explained how 18 had damaged his pride and left the prince ashamed. Vegeta was easily defeated, despite his hard training, so he would need to be alone to deal with the shame.

Trunks noticed Niya's condition, and his eyes widened when her eyes drooped and she began to stumble backwards. He quickly wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest, where she relaxed and leaned against unconscious.

"Damn it, Niya...," Trunks frowned at her.

"Woah! Is she alright?" Krillin asked, walking closer. He pulled out a senzu bean and gave it to Trunks. "Here. This should restore her energy."

Trunks nodded in thanks and carefully fed his friend the senzu bean. Niya's eyes slowly blinked open, and they stared into Trunks' concerned blue ones. "Are you alright?" he asked her gently.

Niya's eyes widened at how close she was to him. She gave a curt nod and quickly pulled away from his arms. She brushed her bangs away from her face and turned shyly to the others. She still felt immense shame at not helping them fight.

"Um, I'm sorry for not joining the fight," she decided to apologize, not bearing their eyes on her. "I let my emotions get the better of me, and I'm sorry!"

Piccolo crossed his arms. "Don't worry about it, Niya. They managed to easily defeat Vegeta and Trunks, going so far as putting Trunks out of commission in one blow. I'm not sure what difference it would have made if you stepped in."

Niya began to shake her head, but then Trunks spoke up. "I agree. But for some reason," he began with clenched fists, "the Androids in this timeline seem to be stronger than the ones in ours." Niya tensed with him, hugging herself tightly.

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