EP. 29 - End

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"Trunks!" Niya giggled.

He had his arms around her, her back to his chest, under the sheets. He was trailing kisses down from her neck to her shoulder.

"What?" Trunks finally stopped, his lips to her shoulder.

Niya turned her head to him. "It's nine in the morning," she laughed.

"So?" Trunks smirked. "Don't you like my way of saying 'Good morning'?"

"Well," Niya faced her body towards him, "I didn't say that I didn't."

Trunks held his smirk. "Does that mean...," he began to slip down her tank top strap, "I can continue?"

Niya lightly smirked but then grabbed his hand and threw it at him. "Later, Trunksie," she sat up. "The Time Machine is ready today, isn't it?"

Trunks sat up as well, his smirk disappearing. "Yeah," he slipped out of bed and walked towards their closet. "It's hard to believe it's been three years already."

"It is," Niya agreed, unintentionally staring at him dress as she thought.

As Trunks slipped on his dark blue, full body jumpsuit, he noticed her gaze. "Hey. You said later," he chuckled, slipping on his white and gold chest armor.

"Hm?" Niya blinked quickly but then blushed, regaining focus. "Shut up, I was thinking!"

Trunks shook his head with a smile. "You're so cute," he slipped on his white boots and gloves.

Niya's blush deepened as Trunks went over to kiss the top of her head.

"Get changed," Trunks chuckled. "After breakfast, we'll go outside and get the Time Machine ready."

"Okay," Niya rubbed her warm cheeks.

Trunks smiled at her before leaving her to change.

× × ×

The couple was outside the Time Machine with Bulma giving them a farewell.

"Say hi to everyone for me," Bulma smiled. "But don't stay too long this time, please. "

The city around them was out of the ruins and was once again looking like a proper city. Buildings and houses all around were being rebuilt.

Bulma in front of them had changed drastically as well. Her hair was in a pixie cut and she had fresh clothes fit for the head scientist of Capsule Corp.

"We won't, Mom," Trunks assured.

"We're just going to tell them that everything went well for us," Niya smiled.

Bulma waved a hand, "I know, I know. There's no reason to worry."

Niya suddenly remembered, "Both kids are inside, right?"

"Yep," Bulma chuckled, "They're doing their studies with your Aunt."

Niya lightly laughed, "Good, good." She was dressed in her white tank top with a loose crimson shirt on top. She had brown army pants and black and crimson boots. Instead of gloves, she wore a leather bracer on both forearms. She had let her hair grow out a bit, but she wrapped it in a bun and stuck a hair pin through it to hold it place.

But suddenly, the couple sensed something they had been hoping to finally stumble into.

"Mom," Trunks started, "I think you should go inside now." Both he and Niya had grown serious.

"Huh?" Bulma questioned, confused. Then she made a teasing face and crossed her arms, "Oh, I see. I'll go ahead and leave you two lovebirds alone now. Sorry I interrupted last time."

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