Chapter eight: Brandee's Knowledge

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"I've never stayed out past midnight. Ever! Especially on Mondays. What was I thinking?" Schofield complained.

Schofield was lying on the floor with his head on a beanbag. He put his hands over his face and groaned. Alex was standing in front of a mirror trying to braid her hair.

"Stop complaining. You know you enjoyed it." Alex called.

"Why is school so early and it's only Tuesday!" Schofield complained.

"Since when do you complain about school?" Alex asked.

A knock came from the door.

"Since I'm tired. It's open!" Schofield called.

Blake opened the door.

"Hello everyone." Blake said.

Schofield waved.

"Hey, Blake." Alex called.

"Tired?" Blake asked Schofield.

Schofield nodded. Blake sat down on another beanbag.

"It's almost time for school to start. Anyone thinking about skipping today?" Blake yawned.

"No." Schofield said, "Alex! You've been there for six years. Are you coming or not."

"Working on it! Braiding is hard." Alex called.

"Braiding? That's not braiding." Blake said, watching Alex struggle.

"Like you could do any better." Alex called.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure I can." Blake said.

Alex and Schofield looked at Blake.

"What! I used to braid bracelets when I was younger." Blake explained.

"Ooh." Schofield said.

"Braiding bracelets and hair are two different things." Alex said.

"Can't be that different." Blake shrugged.

"Ok, then you try braiding it." Alex said.

"What! I was volunteering. I mean you were doing great!" Blake said.

"Too late!" Alex said, dragging a beanbag in front of Blake.

Alex sat down and handed Blake a brush and hair tie.

"Smooth, Blake." Schofield said, yawning.

Schofield fell asleep as Blake began to braid Alex's hair. A few minutes later, Blake tied her hair with the hair tie.

"Ok and done." Blake announced.

Alex reached back and ran her hand over the braid. Then got up and looked in the mirror.

"Wow, Blake this is really good." Alex said.

"Thank you." Blake said.

"No, thank you. You've got to teach me how to braid bracelets so I can do this." Alex said.

Blake chuckled. Alex turned around and smiled at Blake. Then she realized Schofield had fallen asleep.

"Is he really asleep?" Alex whispered.

Blake nodded, "shh. I got this."

Blake carefully leaned over and put his hands near Schofield's face. Then clapped loudly. Schofield shot up.

"What was that!" Schofield yelled.

Alex and Blake burst into laughter. Schofield realized what happened.

Écoust Military Academy                                                    Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora