Chapter Eleven: "Call me a cab." "Ok, you're a cab"

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The day before had an interesting start, but once school started everything slowed down. The ever increasing boredom of the classes nearly killed Alex.
The day dragged on until they were finally released from prison, according to Alex.

Alex stretched her arms as she stepped outside.

"Mmm. I need to get out of this uniform!" Alex complained, "I'm feeling a hoodie and jeans."

"You literally always wear that." Schofield responded.

"Can't help it. It's comfortable!" Alex said

"Wish I could stay and chat, but I've got to go get ready for the game." Blake said.

"See you later!" Schofield called

"See you at the game."

"Hey, after the game this time, if they win can we just celebrate here. My sleep schedule still hasn't recovered yet." Schofield asked.

"Sure. How about we all watch Singing in the Rain since we have our auditions tomorrow?" Alex suggested

"Yeah, sounds good." Schofield responded.

Alex and Schofield arrived a few minutes before the game. The defense was lined up on the field waiting for the Whistle to blow when Alex and Schofield found a seat near the field.
The first half of the game was rocky 15-6. The Écoust Eagles were down by a touchdown and a field goal. Their kicker had missed a field goal for the fourth time this season. By the end of the game the score was 18-20 the Écoust Eagles had only won.
Alex and Schofield waited for Blake by the entrance to the gate.

"But I don't get it, if they got a touchdown already how can they have another touchdown right after?" Alex asked

"Well, technically it's not a touchdown it's a two point conversion." Schofield answered

"A two point-mm too many rules. It would be so much simpler if when they scored they just got one point." Alex complained

"You know some people think football rules make more sense than soccer rules." Schofield said.

"Well, then they've never played. Wait-are you saying football is easier to keep up with than soccer!?" Alex questioned

"I never said that." Schofield shrugged

"Mmhmm." Alex said.

"Hey guys." Blake called

"Hey nice catch by the way." Schofield said

"Thanks, could have used a little more yardage, but can't get everything you want." Blake said

"Alright, how about Ice cream and popcorn?" Alex asked, hoping to avoid football talk.

"Alex and I thought we should celebrate by watching Singing in the Rain. Also we have our audition tomorrow." Schofield explained

"Yeah, that's perfect." Blake said

They began walking towards the dormitory.

"Hey, how about ordering pizza? Schofield asked

"Yes! I'm starving!" Blake agreed

"You guys in joy, your bread Soaked in tomato sauce. I'm sticking with ice cream." Alex said

"Bread soaked in tomato sauce?" Blake repeated

"Ice cream is milk and flavoring frozen in a box." Schofield said

Alex dramatically gasped "ice cream is much more than that! It has cookie dough in it!"

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