Chapter five: The Weekend

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The Cab pulled up slowly onto the brick driveway. It was too dark to see the numbers on the manor.

"Is this the correct address ma'am?" The cabby asked.

"Yes sir, it is." Alex replied.

Schofield got out and stretched while Alex paid. The cab drove away as Alex and Schofield walked up to the manor door.

"Think they are still up?" Schofield asked.

"Well we are about to find out." Alex said, unlocking the door.

The living room and kitchen lights were brightly lit.

"Guess that answers the question." Schofield said.

Alex nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander!" Schofield announced.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander looked up from their books.

"Hi mom. Hi dad." Alex said.

"Weeelll, welcome home kids." Mr. Alexander said.

"Aww, look at you two. All grown up." Mrs. Alexander said, giving Alex and Schofield a hug. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes!" Alex said.

"Starved." Schofield said.

"Well good! I have just the solution!" Mrs. Alexander hummed.

"Come and sit down. Tell us how your first few days went." Mr. Alexander said.

Alex and Schofield sat down and told them how the days went but left out the fights. After they had their dinners, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander excused themselves to go to bed.

"The Cabin is ready for you." Mr. Alexander said to them as he left the living room.

"I'll put the dishes away if you want to take our bags to the Cabin." Alex suggested.

"No problem." Schofield said, picking up their bags.

Schofield left and Alex began to clean and put the dishes away. She let her thoughts wonder, until her thoughts landed on the cabin. She smiled as she remembered the first time her father showed it to her.

"It is for sleepovers or just having your friends over." She remembered him saying.

"Sleepovers!" Alex's memory spoke.

"Yes, sleepovers. I have installed security cameras so I can keep an eye on you and your friends." Her father's memory said.

"What about my best friend William?" Alex had asked.

Her father had thought for a moment, "Well, I suppose. But he can stay upstairs."

Alex finished the dishes and dried her hands.

"I bet he's still going to sleep upstairs." Alex thought as she walked down darkened the pathway.

Alex opened the cabin door when she got there.

"Scho?" She called.

"Upstairs." Schofield called.

"Of course." Alex thought as she climbed the stairs.

Schofield was sitting on the bed struggling to take his boots off.

"Same room?" Alex asked, standing in the doorway.

"As always." Schofield replied.

Not much had changed since they moved into their dorms. Schofield had left most of his décor here.

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