Chapter two: Dorms and Backpacks

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The dormitory was separated by a row of trees and a pathway. The dormitory was shaped like the pentagon with an open courtyard in the middle. The courtyard was closed and only used for special occasions. Inside, the hallways were carpeted with a ugly dark brown design. The lightning cast shadows on the plain white wall. The doors looked like cheap oak with a silver knob.

"Here's yours and mine is two doors down on the left." Schofield said, opening the door for Alex.

The door creaked as Alex stepped in. A small walkway led to the bedroom. The bed was against the wall and across from it was a long closet with collapsible doors. On the right, facing the bed, was a window and below the window was a small desk and chair. On the left, was another door that led to the bathroom.

"Kind of small." Alex stated.

"That's because your dorm mate closed her door here." Schofield pointed to the door down the walkway.

Alex sighed as she put her suitcase down and flopped on the bed.

"Where do you want these?" Schofield asked, holding up another suitcase.

"In the corner." Alex replied.

Schofield put the suitcase in the corner and sat down on a chair.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" asked Schofield.

"No." Alex replied.

"You said you would." Schofield said.

"I did and I will, but not right now." Alex said.

Schofield sighed and looked out of the window.

"Are you going to the football game tonight." asked Schofield.

"Heck no!" Alex replied.

"Oh." Schofield said.

"Don't tell me." Alex said sitting up, "you wanted to go."

Schofield nodded.

"Ugh" Alex breathed.

"It would be a shame if you didn't go. Ya know, me up there in the stands all by myself. So lonely up there. No one to talk to. No one to sit with." Schofield said.

"Don't guilt me into going, Scho." Alex replied.

"Usually works." said Schofield.

"That's why you should stop talking." Alex said.

"Aaalll, alone. How sad." Schofield started.

"Schofield-" Alex began.

A knock at the door interrupted her.

"Who could that be?" Schofield asked.

Alex shrugged her shoulders, hopped off the bed and opened the door. Standing there was Blake holding Alex's backpack. Alex gave him an annoyed look, snatched her backpack and slammed the door.

"You're welcome!" Blake's voice came through the door.

"Alex?" Schofield said, walking to the door.

"If you open that I will throw my backpack- hey!" Alex started.

Schofield opened the door before Alex could finish her threat. Blake was still standing there.

"Hi, want to come in?" Schofield asked.

"Kill me." Alex mumbled.

"No, no thank you. I have to leave, but I just want to tell Alex that I moved her backpack so the football team wouldn't get it while they were chasing her." Blake said.

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