¤15.) The Truth

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Rose's P.O.V

"Why is there a mark around your neck and why do you have a black eye?!" Aaron spat out, his chest heaving up and down rapidly, boy was he pissed..

Shit! I forgot about the fucking bruises!! Fuck me backwards!

"Urm.. I fell off my bike? And landed on a metal pipe..?" I tried to sound convincing. Lying wasn't my strongest point.

"Cut the crap, Rose. What happened?!" Aaron raged. He sounds even more pissed now.

I gulped. What the hell do I do now?!

I looked over to 5 individuals. They had confusion and sympathy written on their faces. SERIOUSLY!? They actually cant remember? Or haven't even figured it out yet?!

I looked back over to the rest of the group, the looked so serious.

Why so serious? I mentally laughed.

No time for laughing, Rose. I thought to myself.

"I was mugged?" I said bit it came out more of a question.

I could take the staring anymore,

"I need to pee, bye." I quickly blurted out, trying to get away from them all.

"No you don't, you just want to get away from all of this, tell us what happened or I'm calling the police." Aaron threatened.

"I already told you, I was mugged" I said, walking over to the steps of the pool.

As the top half of myself was out of the water I heard a load of gasps from behind me along with some sharp intakes of breath.


My anger was building by the second.

I turned around and faced Taylor. My eyes pericing into his.

"Why don't you ask Taylor?" I said without stuttering.

I felt like such a boss ass bitch when I didn't stutter.

Fuck yeah!

Aaron looked at Taylor, his anger building by the second, too.

"Woah, bro. I didnt do anything!" Taylor said getting out of the pool, coming up to me.

Aaron followed him out of the pool.

"Oh really?! Remember the last time I came down to visit my cousin?! She told me she was getting bullied! You wanna know by who?! By you!" He glanced at the other 4 boys, "don't think you 4 are off the hook! I know you do it too!" Aaron rose his voice by every word whilst getting out of the pool, facing Taylor. His arms were crossed over his chest.

I hadn't even noticed Mahoganny come up to me until I heard her gasp and start her rant.

"You guys are fucking bullies?! Better yet you fucking bully a girl?! A fucking girl?! Seriously guys!" I've never heard her swear, wow.

I guess this made Aaron more furious because the next thing you know Aaron was on top of Taylor, punching him.

The boys, Mahoganny and I tried telling Aaron that Taylor wasn't worth it and that he should stop, but this is Aaron we're talking about, the protective, older cousin, Aaron, there was no stopping him.

I decided that enough was enough. I walked over to the two of them, both now standing up. proper going at it.

I pushed on Aaron's and Taylor's chests and pushed them away from each other.

"ENOUGH IS FUCKING ENOUGH!" I screamed, maybe a little louder than intended, or needed.

"Aaron, this is not your battle to fight so stop being the over protective cousin!" I ranted facing Aaron.

I then turned towards Taylor "from day one you've tried to have that 'bad boy' vibe about you Taylor, but face it, you're just a scared wimp of a boy because you beat up girls. Or girl. Me! Taylor! You've beaten me up along with your 4 other douchebag friends for 4 years because in reality you're a fucking coward! A heartless coward who tries to be that guy that everyone is scared of because you're scared of being the real you because you don't want to know what others would think of you, but just come back into reality, Taylor. You're a fucking selfishz good for nothing cow-" I was cut off from my rant by having a hand slap me across my face. Wtf.

I was pushed away from Taylor by Aaron and now Taylor was, once again, on the floor being plummeted by Aaron.

Mahogany embraced me into a hug and wiped away me tears.

"Shh, shh, don't cry, hun. He's an absolute douchebag. Don't cry over a douchebag." She soothed.

I laughed, she was right.

"Rose? You alright? Don't worry about him. I can't believe they did that to you. Have been doing to that to you." I heard someone say form behind me.

I turned around to see Jack, Jack Gilinsky. I have, maybe, fangirled over him big time before.

"Thanks.." I said, ever so quietly.

He smiled and opened his arms, motioning me to hug him.

I accepted and let myself. be embraced into a hug by him.

We stauled like this for about a minute.. he's really good at giving hugs.

He kissed the top of my head and we let each other go. I suddenly felt cold without him.

"Um.., we should go get changed.." I trailed off looking at Mahoganny halfway through y sentance.

"Yeah. Sure, let's go."

We made our way back into the hotel, now that Aaron was calm, and Mahoganny squealed.

"What was that?!" She squeaked.

"What was what?"

"That! Then, with Jack" she said in a 'duh' tone.

"Nothing. he hugged me, I hugged him. No big deal." But secretly I was fangirling massively.

"Pfft, whatever. I ship Jose. Ooh, or Rack. Nah, I like Jose better, to could like say it in a French sort of way and it would sound soo hot! Oh, when did we get in the lift?" She continued.

"About 1 minute ago.." I answered.

"Oh. Cool.."


Okay! I know it's rely short and crappy but I really dot know what to do next!! Any suggestions?

If you want to be one of the guys girlfriends, comment what guy and your name,

Who do you ship? Votee.

Taylor and Rose

Nash and Rose

Cameron and Rose

Matt and Rose

Carter and Rose

Jack.G and Rose

Jack.J and Rose

Shawn and Rose

Or whoever else, someone from her school, perhaps?


MERRY CHRISTMAS. Even though Christmas was 3 days ago...

I wanna know, what time is it on your country? It's 10:30pm in the UK..

Do I'm getting kinda bored with this story and thinking of stopping it here.. I want to make a story that's more exciting Etc.. please tell me what you think. And also, please say who you want rose to end up with of I do continues this story. :)

Also, I have another story called 'High School Crush' and another called 'Hot Neighbours, High School and a Little Bit of The Past' that's story is on my other account under the name of 'ThisGirlHannah1'


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