Chapter 68: Distrust and hidden fears

Start from the beginning

The cat hybrid with the ginger hair shook his thought away and focused on Taeyong instead of answering that question, whose answer he thought to know. The red-haired guardian had explained in every detail what they found out about the main facility of the hunters and how it was surrounded with rather complex spells to protect it from intruders. Felix had no clue about magic and understood only half of what Taeyong was saying, but glancing at Jeongin was enough to know that at least the kitsune understood what the guardian was taking about.

Next thing Taeyong explained in detail was the plan he and the leaders had worked on in the course of the meeting. It was a pretty solid plan that required some groups to work together as one. ACE and IZ were probably the best example for that, since they were basically completely put together into one rescue party.

The plan sounded rather simple if Felix was honest. Taeyong along with Johnny, Yuta, Doyoung and Jungwoo would sneak into the hunters headquarter first and disable every bit of security they had may it be magical or not. The next part of the plan didn't sit well with Felix and also the other members of Stray Kids, because it included the vampires lead by Changbin.

The vampires along with Wonpil were there to quietly take out the hunters nearby with the help of Doyoung and Jungwoo, who would distract them, using their special voices. This was necessary so they remained completely unnoticed.

Taeyong's rescue group and the vampires lead by Changbin would have to sneak through the headquarter to get to the third basement floor, so Yuta and Taeyong could open a portal there to let the other rescue parties in.

Another part Felix didn't really understand was when Taeyong talked about the warlocks, who would have to stay away from the hunters' headquarter to make sure the portals were safe and stable, so escaping was easy for the groups in the "lion's cave" as long a magical creature was with them.

At that point Taeyong told them that the ones, who have been chosen to stay back of the Stray Kids were Jisung and Seungmin, but Jisung was assigned to another group, since they didn't have two magical creatures. That group was BTS, which at first didn't sound like a problem, but then Felix remembered that Taehyung was in that group. He glanced at Minho for a brief moment to see his brother's reaction, but the older cat hybrid stayed surprisingly clam, which made Felix mentally let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

Taeyong also clarified that not everyone knew about Jisung being Zendala's son, mainly because it was Jisung's secret to tell and not the ones of the leaders. It also wasn't implemented in the plan, since they hoped to not alarm and/ or meet Zendala at all. If that did happen to one group they all would need to bail no matter what. The way Taeyong said that also made it pretty clear that this was probably the most important part about the whole operation, since the whole mission would be of no use if the rescue parties were captured, or worse killed.

After Taeyong had explained the plan, he informed the group and teenagers and hound adults that the training for the rescue mission would start tomorrow. Every magical creature had to learn the portal spell if they haven't mastered it already. Of course, everyone also needed to train with their assigned rescue group, which for the most part was their normal group, but since some were merged and some had to help another one it was important to adjust some things. Maybe even train some combo moves, even though they didn't have much time to perfect them.

After Taeyong finished he also suggested that everyone should head to bed to rest and then left, probably having to organize some other things too as well as preparing his own group. Hearing how the guardian suggested that they should go to sleep let everyone in Stray Kids realize how much time had past and that the sun was already disappearing behind the horizon.

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