♤ Chapter 9

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All day spending time together, finally the end of the day comes. Taehyung , for the first time never once got mad that day. By mad he meant 'i want to fucking stab your face' kind of desire.

It sounds impossible but it does happened.

In the past, even a feet landed on his shoes would have been shot by the him. Although he has met many psychiatrists , he still has not recovered from his mental illness.

But today, even if Chanrie slaps, rejects what he said, curses at him , for a single moment he doesn't even feels angry or lost patience.

          "Why ..? " he asked himself , still confuse.

Entering the door of the house, Chanrie's hand holding the door after she turn around to faced the male.

          "Thank you for the ride and company. If not for you , now I would just vibing on the couch all day long with my phone ,"Chanrie spoke , displaying a beautiful smile.

          "It's not the day ,Taehyung .. You can't fuckinh kill her right now " Taehyung whispered in his heart as he saw the girl's sweet smile.

           "Say no more. You're the one who acompany me , so that's fine , honey." he immediately responded to Chanrie's words.

          "I'll get going. See you later , handsome Kim Taehyung will excuse himself now" , said Taehyung who complimented himself as he said goodbye, hand waved in the air.

          "Wait a minute! Taehyung , don't you want to got in first? The last time we ate today was on 6p.m . It's already 11p.m. , aren't you hungry?" asked the girl.

Taehyung was standing there for a moment. Ah shit. What does he need to do?

          "This is your chance, Taehyung. When you get home , you can sleep right away."

          "How could I sleep , when Im still thinking of how to kill you?" Taehyung spoke more like whisper , thank God she didn't heard that.

The male remained silent for a few minutes , confused Chanrie with his attitude.

            "If you're not hungry it's fine , but if you're hungry I can cook Ramyeon. Even if you can afford such cheap things , but I can make it tastier and easier for you" she said with a small laugh.

          "You want me to come inside your house that much , aren't you? Fine then , this gorgeous man will take your offer" Taehyung replied with a cocky smile.

          "Yes .. it's better if I end this shit quickly.." he told himself.

          "Oh God , where the fuck did you got such a confident. If you want some Ramyeon , hurry up dickhead," said Chanrie.

The girl then brought herself into her house and went straight to the kitchen. Leaving Taehyung at the door , checking the gun under his coat.

            "Yes .. well I need to kill her. Tonight" he spoke.


The girl ready to cook. She makes her hair neat , and the apron is carefully applied. When she open the kitchen cabinet, there are five packs of instant noodles or basically is Ramyeon.

Two of the packs were taken and placed beside her while she was boiling water on the stove. While cooking, she was thinking about herself.

          "I think .. do I like Taehyung? " fuck , how quick.

Also that minutes , she recalled a few days ago when she received an information about the male from her co-workers. There's not much information , as if someone is hiding it.

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