Christmas suprises.

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The rest of our Christmas break continues in complete bliss, now we had both opened our hearts to each other it was hard to break apart; I was immensely grateful that we'd always been close, because the family didn't notice a sudden shift in our relationship.

We were obviously keeping our love a secret as we had no idea what people would actually think about a human/robot relationship, but we didn't expect positive responses, so decided it was best for now, to keep this between the two of us.

It was Christmas morning, and I was woken, like I had been the majority of my mornings, with kisses trailing over my face and curling into my neck. If I was smart, I would wait it out and let him continue over my breast and down my stomach.

Most of the time I was too impatient to be smart, this morning was no exception.

Instead, I open my eyes and wrap my hands around his strong shoulders, pulling his lips back to my mouth to devour me.

He presses them rough and demanding atop mine and I sigh in pleasure, matching his pace and digging my nails into his shoulders.

"I can't get enough of you." He huskily whispers in my ear when he finally releases me.

"That's good," I pant, quickly looking over his shoulder at the time "because I feel the same for you. Unfortunately we have about five minutes before mom rushes in and demands we get up to open presents. She's worse than a child." I roll my eyes and grin, recalling every Christmas where she would barge into our rooms, singin carols and pulling everyone out of bed to start the day.

"Five minutes you say." His eyes darken. "I can do a lot in five minutes." His smirk is seductive, rendering me speechless and completely under his spell.

"You better listen out for her coming up the stairs." I warn quickly. I feel his nod while he shuffles under the covers and peppers open kisses across my body.

My breath hitches when he blows hot air in between my open legs, and I press a hand over my mouth to stop the guttural moan from escaping when he finally presses his mouth against me.

Lord, let these five minutes last a life time.


I'm sat on the floor, legs crossed, unwrapped gifts around me and laughing joyfully with my family.

Hayden was making breakfast for us all after refusing my help, so I decided to leave him to it and continue the family traditions in the living room;

Mom had grabbed trash bags for us to clear away our wrappings, she always did this as she hated seeing so much mess litter the floor.

"You can admire your gifts after you clean up." She would always repeat when we moaned that we'd just opened our presents.

Dad was sat in his lounge chair, groaning loudly for us all to hear that he didn't need or want presents and that we'd wasted our time and money. We usually left him to his grumbles, knowing deep down he loved the attention.

Delilah was sat snuggled against Daniel while they opened their separate and coupled gifts - mostly stuff for the house they'd recently moved into.

"Guys, we actually have another gift we want to share with you." Delilah announces when we finally clear everything away.

When she notices all eyes on her she proudly pushes her hand and waves it in front of us.

"Daniel proposed!" She squeals gleefully.

Cheers erupt and we all stand to offer our congratulations, and to coo over the ring.

"D I'm so happy!" I laugh lightly and squeeze her tight. "This is so exciting."

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