Graduation - 2 years later.

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I throw my cap up in the air with the rest of my class and watch them all float down, knowing we would never find our original one to give back.

The sun is beaming down on us and I'm glad I'm wearing a thin summer dress underneath my gown.

I hug a group of my friends and try to keep my tears at bay knowing we wouldn't see much of each other after summer.

I'd decided to go to college a few hours out of my hometown, it was actually not too far from Killian and Brandy's apartments and they'd spoken to the manager to help me acquire an apartment there myself.

Hayden wasn't overly please as the neighbourhood had seemed a little dodgy when we first got there, but mom and dad had suggested he move with me, it was closer for him to be in the lab, and he could watch out for me.

He was my gift after all.

After everything with Marcus, I'd retreated and become a little reclusive. Spending most of my time at home and always suggesting Georgie come sleep at mine.

Moving out of town and not staying at home was a huge step for me, I was nervous but felt safe knowing Hayden would be with me.

Jacob kept in touch and whenever he was home for the holidays he made time to visit me and catch up which I appreciated.

"Rae-ban we did it! We graduated! Can you believe it... all that cramming paid off, we're officially adults." Georgie laughs grabbing me in a hug and spinning us around.

"We became adults when we turned 18, that's what my parents said to me anyway." I laugh, flitting my eyes around me in search of said parents.

I see them, Delilah and Hayden all fighting there way towards me and break off from Georgie just in time for my sister to grab me in a hug.

"I'm so proud of you squirt." I blink back the tears. Don't cry yet you big baby.

Mom and dad take turns hugging me and congratulating me and then Hayden scoops me up and twirls me around, eliciting a happy giggle from me.

"Put me down you goon." He does as he's told but keeps an arm around me until he knows I'm steady enough.

"Let's all go celebrate with some food. Georgie, go find your mom and grams and let's hit the road." Dad orders and we all turn to leave.


I look at the picture of us all at my graduation while I find a home to put the frame. Summer had zoomed past and I was now settling into my new apartment.

Mom and Delilah were helping move things into the right place while Dad and Hayden moved the heavier furniture. Well... Hayden did most of the lifting and moving, dad did a lot of talking.

"If we shift it over here that'll give us more room to put that chair beside it."

I laugh, impressed with the ingenious way he's worked around not actually doing the work but sounding as if he's contributing.

My phone buzzes and I look at the text from Georgie.

- Miss you already. Can't you come to my college instead? XO

I type a reply, thinking back to our emotional goodbye;

"I'll see you at the weekends when I visit. And all the holidays... and you can come stay over at my place. Or I can visit you in your dorms. We're only a few hours away. We can make it work." I say. I'm past wiping my tears away. There was no point, more kept falling down.

"It's not going to be enough. It's not the same." Georgie blubbers and I pull her into another hug.

"I know, this sucks. Why couldn't your school have courses that suited both of us." I groan and she finally laughs.

"Or yours. Let's not just blame my new school."

We both giggle and thankfully the tears slow to an almost stop.

We would make it as friends. We'd be together forever.


"Call me whenever. You know I'll drive down with a moments notice." It's moms turn to blubber now and dads trying to pull her away from the doorway that she's been standing in for over 20minutes.

"I know mom. Hayden's here remember. I'm going to be okay." I soothe her worries.

"Okay, I love you sweetie." She hugs me

"Love you too mom." I whisper, trying to stay in check so she doesn't start crying again.

"We'll see you soon Rae, love you." Dad nods to me, trying to appear detached and unemotional, but I can see this is effecting him. Both his girls are gone.

"Love you too dad."

I finally close the door and take a moment to admire my new apartment. My own space. I felt more grown up than 18.

"You want ice cream for dinner?" Hayden asks, walking out of the kitchen with a large tub.

"Do bears shit in the woods." I reply, grabbing the container and walking into the living room.

Our apartment was set up slightly different to Killian and Brandy's. They're kitchen and living room was one big space where as ours had been split into two rooms. We still only had one bedroom but since Hayden didn't sleep and would be sharing my room anyway it didn't cause any problems.

"I do enjoy your vulgar vocabulary Sunshine... Please use that while you're in college. I'm not sure what they'll be able to teach you that you don't already know." Hayden teases and I knock into him before sitting down.

In retaliation he grabs my ice cream and before I can question his sanity, he's already on top of me tickling me mercilessly.

I'm squealing and laughing. Trying futilely to get out of his clutches and his deep laugh rumbles above me.

"Uncle, uncle!! Stop, I'm going to pee!" I surrender and Hayden lifts off me.

"You suck" I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks, though I know he heard me. Stupid perfect hearing.


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