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It was a few weeks later that I was seated in the back of Dads car with Hayden and we were on our way to where Hayden had been made.

The building was huge, and I had to crane my neck just to look to the roof of it. It reminded me of a hospital and I didn't get a good vibe off of them.

Wondering whether Hayden was scared I took his hand to comfort him, while also using him to comfort me.

"It's just a checkup Rae, no need to worry." He squeezed my hand gently.

We followed Dad to a very strict looking woman sat at the front desk and after Dad spoke to her we made our way into an elevator and up to level 12, where we were greeted by a man in a suit; he was quite handsome and clean cut.

Grabbing my fathers hand he shook it enthusiastically and gestured for us to follow him into his office "Linda, please bring some drinks in." He spoke to another lady at a desk outside his office, who stood quickly and quietly, and walked towards what I assumed was a kitchen.

His office was big, and full of windows, both myself and Hayden looked around wide-eyed taking everything in. The main feature was the mans desk which was very large and made of glass, but had hardly anything on it; no pictures, no knickknacks.

"Mr Frost, this must be your lovely daughter Raegan," The man took my hand that wasn't attached to Hayden and shook it softly "I'm Richard Brown." He smiles down kindly at me.

"Pleased to meet you."

Mr Browns gaze fell to mine and Hayden's interlocked hands "I see you've taken a liking to our droid Raegan."

"His name is Hayden and he's my friend." I say bluntly, causing a smirk to fall on Hayden's face which was noticed immediately by Mr Brown.

"Curious. Droid H... I mean Hayden, that expression you're pulling right now, what caused it." As he spoke he rounded his desk and stared typing on it; the whole table was a touch screen computer.

"Well, it's just quite amusing to see miss Rae be cheeky and look as innocent as she does doing it. She makes me laugh."

I had the decency to look a little embarrassed that I had spoken to Mr Brown quite brashly when stating Hayden's name. It was me being defensive of him but I really shouldn't be rude to... well, anyone but definitely not strangers.

Mr Brown was typing away and then pressed a button and started speaking to his table "Linda after you've brought the drinks in I need you to get Pilling and Lachlan in here ASAP."

"Yes sir, I won't be a moment with the drinks."

True to her word she brought in a tray with an array of glasses and cups and placed them on the side table next to our seats.

"Mr Pilling and Mr Lachlan are on their way." She spoke to her boss, then looked towards us and asked what beverages we would like, looking to the tray I pointed to the orange juice and my father requested a coffee.

She passed us all our drinks and took Mr Browns his before leaving the room, as she opened the door, two men strolled in and nodded in greeting at her.

"Richard, to what do we owe the pleasure of both being called in." The younger of the two called out boldly. His smile showed no malice at being summoned though.

"This is Mr Douglas Frost, his daughter Raegan and their droid Hayden. This is Mr Pilling-" the older of the two "-and Mr Lachlan" the bold one.

Her GiftTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon