Chapter two part 8

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✨-I'm back, sorry for the wait. But ✨I do intend to start writing again, ✨thank you all for your nice ✨messages about my puppy
✨anyways, On with the story!-

~Sasuke leads us through this underground tunnel that apparently leads to the forest outside konoha.

He says It was used for in the war to escort the women and children out to safety.

"Finally, away from that hellhole"~

Sasuke pov:

We've all been walking for awhile now. But why'd he bring so many people with him. What about their parents.

Never mind that Im just we got outta there without being caught.

It's been 4 hours since we got out of that place and we Soon stoped at a small opening in the woods.

All of us setting up our sleeping bags, then sitting infront of a fire to keep warm.

Sakura was sat next to Hinata and shikamaru on one side of the campfire as naru sat infront of me while I played with his hair on the other side.

Sakura was talking so random nonsense to Hinata and shikamaru.

"I'm getting tired imma hit the hay" Sakura yawned, stretching and walking of to her sleeping bag.

Soon Hinata and shika went to bed also and all fell asleep quickly leaving me and my naru alone.

I pulled him up for onto my lap and turn him around so he's facing me.

He leans down and buries his head in my neck.

"Hey sasuke-kun." I hear my blondie ask.

"Yeah naru"

"Thanks. I mean for everything you've done for me these past few days" he looks up at me and the smile on his face melted my heart.

It was so cute and genuine. I couldn't resist. I lean down and kiss him.

Without hesitation he kisses back.
He swings his arms around my neck and arches his back as I put my hands on his thin waist.

I lick his lips asking for entrance as he slowly opens his mouth. My tongue battling against his as he squirms beneath me.

I feel myself get hard. I guess naruto can feel it too. But we can't do it here.

We stop making out and I grab naru's hand. I pull him over to my bag. I let go and pull out a piece of paper and a pen.

I wrote:

Me and Naruto went to do something meet us in the land of rocks tomorrow try and get us somewhere to stay, a hotel maybe. Also get us some food. Don't worry about us for the time being. Well see you in a bit.

- Uchiha Sasuke.

I put the pen down and put place the paper next to Shikamaru.
I quickly pack up mine and naru's things and grab his hand.

I put naru's bag on his back and mine on my own. Grabbing his hand, we run through the forest until we come across a tiny village close to the land of rocks.
Walking through the small village I found a small hotel.

Seeing no one at the front desk, I grabbed a key and ran to the room.

Unlocking the door, I threw my bag on the floor, then walking over to my naru and taking of his bag and putting next to mine.

I pin him to the wall and start to make out with him. I unzip his jacket and threw it to the floor.

He try's to take of my shirt urgently.

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