
"I' m sorry for calling you up this late Nikki."

"Never mind, I wasn't asleep though."

"Hey Nikki, you really look good in these pictures." He says out of nowhere.

"What pictures?" I ask him confused. I never really gave him any picture, so what he is talking about?

"The ones on Facebook, I was looking at them just now, I guess they are from your high school. You really look good in that red dress Nikki." I can hear him laughing while saying that.

"What the fuck Sam??" I haven't opened my account in a long time and I know there are some pictures of me from high school. I remember how weird I looked in them, and even I was a bit fat back then. I never liked clicking pictures, it was my friend who forced me to do it at that time. now I regret not deleting them. Fuck, this is embarrassing!!

"Why were you stalking me on social media?" I ask him angrily.

"Why wouldn't I?" He says. is this really funny to him?

"Who wouldn't want to stalk a beautiful lady like you?" he says playfully.

"I am telling you Samuel if you ever go through my profile again, I swear to god I'll block you." This boy is really getting on my nerves now.

" Ouchhh! that hurt! don't be mean Nikki, in fact, you should be more open to accepting such compliments."

" Ohh Thank you Sam for letting me know that I should be aware of random creepy people stalking me on social media at fucking midnight," I say sarcastically.

he laughs at my response. "Okay Okay, I get it. I'll let you sleep before you pounce on me straight from the phone."

"Goodnight Sam."

"Goodnight Nikki and yeah don't dream too much about me," he says before hanging up.

I stare at my phone smiling like an idiot. He is such a boy. I think I should go to bed now. As I am about to switch off the TV, I see a shadow near the window. I can feel someone standing but who could be there? and that too at this hour of the night? I should definitely stop watching those creepy horror shows, they are really getting on my mind now. I walk towards the window and pull the curtains aside. I open the window and look outside and find no one there. Thank god! But something is really strange. From the last few days, I am having a feeling of getting followed while going to my clinic and coming back to home. Two days ago when I was at Emily's store I saw two men watching me from across the street. When I again looked at them, they were already gone. I didn't take it seriously because I thought I was being unnecessarily paranoid. I don't know maybe I am still acting like one? I guess these are the repercussions of my lack of sleep at night. I always do stuff related to my work at night that's why I barely get any sleep. Nicole, go and get some sleep now, everything will be fine. I go back to my room and get on my bed. my eyes begin to close as sleep takes over me.


The next day I finish my work as soon as possible so that I can get back home to get ready for the date. it's around 5 in the evening as I search through my closet for something suitable to wear. finally, after a lot of struggle, I end up putting on a black crop top and my favorite ripped jeans. I add a little bit of mascara and nude lipstick as my makeup. as said by him earlier Sam arrives at my place on time at 6 pm. I utter a quick goodbye to Becky who is in the kitchen talking on her phone and then head out. Sam takes me to an outdoor restaurant a little far away from the city. it has a classy yet cozy and comfortable atmosphere. I can hear the music playing in the background giving this place a romantic touch. Sam had a reservation for us so we didn't have to waste our time searching for a table.

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