chapter 26 : the strengths

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[Ander's point of view]

We are currently heading to the field.

"Look around, man." Javier said. "All boys. I'm sure it's going to be aggressive." He added.

"No shit. Even Mason and Jacob are here representing Black Panther." I responded.

Mason and Jacob are apart of our football team so they both well built. They're just like me but I'm not in the football team because it wasn't my passion but that doesn't mean I'm not well built. I'm quite muscular. I worked out a lot in the gym near the town.

"Show them the bros power!" Javier patted my shoulder.

"That sounds too cliche." I replied.

"Come on, dude! I just wanna hype you up." He said.

"Fine." I said. "Bros power?" I lifted my fist.

"Bros power!" He bumped my fist.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the field.

"Get ready to lose, fuckers." Mason dissed as he walked past us.

"Maybe you should worry about yourself, bahameez." I said to him. He turned around but quickly turned back.

"What's bahameez?" Javier asked me.

"It's the way I call ill mannered person." I explained.

"Damn. I'm sure gonna use this word." Javier responded. I shook my head.

"Attention everyone." Mr. Adam cleared his voice. He's our Gym teacher.

"Good. Seems like participants in this task are all boys." He said to us. "I think it's gonna be fair and square." He smirked.

"What are we gonna do here, Mr. Adam?" Cameron asked. Cameron and Dylan are in Team Brown Bear.

"I'll explain later." He answered as Cameron nodded.

"Look." I told Javier. "I think it has something to do with the tracks." I added.

"Yeah. No shit." He replied.

"Now listen." We all paid our attention on him. "The task is not that hard but it'll test your teamwork skills and stamina." He started.

"It's confirmed that it has something to do with running." Dylan said out loud.

"That's right. Trust me, you're gonna have fun." Mr. Adam smirked. "It's gonna to trigger your childhood memories." He smiled.

"Oh no." I asked said. I thought about something. "Is it?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Today's tasks are legged race and wheelbarrow race." He stated.

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