chapter 9 : allies

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"Let's see what happens next. Bye." I stopped recording add renamed the video as '#1'.

Surprisingly, no one comes for the next 20 minutes. I guess everyone really hates the library that it never comes in their mind. Or no one is smart enough to figure it out.

I sat in there and read the novel that I brought everything. I carried this book around and when I have the chance to read it, I will. The title of the book is 'It Ends With Us'. I must say, the story is quite interesting. Boy, you don't know how emotional I get...

As I was reading the book, someone opened the door of the library.

"It must be here somewhere." A male voice broke the silence in the library.

"I think so." A female voice followed.

Their footsteps were getting closer.

"Look!" The female yelled.

I listened to their conversation in silence. They sounded familiar.

"Where?" The male asked.

"Right there, babe." The female answered.

"My baby is a genius!", The male complimented the female.

I guess they're a couple.

I sat there and continued to read. I don't care who they are as long as I know that I won't be punished.

They were getting closer.

"It's a white flag!" The male yelled.

"Yey! Let's go!" The female yelled as well. They both ran towards me and once it sounded like they're closer, they stopped.

"Eddie?" The male said it more like a question.

I looked up and yes, they're a couple. It's none other than Javier and Elena.

I smiled. "Welcome. This is our school's library if you forgot." I told them.

"How did you found this checkpoint?" Elena asked as they both sat next to each other in front of me.

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