Chapter Fourteen | Marcus and Jane

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I sigh in annoyance as I continue wondering through the castle not finding a single vampire.  I finally wonder to a door that maybe someone is behind. I push it open to see the quiet and depressed vampire king Marcus who looks up from his book to meet my eyes. 

 "Hey sorry to bug you in whatever your doing, but do you know where there Is a room I can stay in? preferably far from Caius ." I ask trying to hide the pissed off mood I am in curtisy of the jackass blond vampire king. 

"Im assuming Caius and you got in a fight?" Marcus asks ignoring my question. 

 "Yes, turns out my so called mate is rather sexist and hypocritical. Just my luck!" I respond. 

Marcus's worn face shifts into a small smile as he says "Don't worry young one, you will surely get through it. Mates always do."

"I highly doubt that. A sarcastic 21st century teen and ancient vampire king don't exactly seem like compatible partners." I retort back.

"I disagree, Your fiery spirt and strong nature compliments my brother well. I can see the tie between you two and it is quite strong." Marcus calmly explains.

Marcus speaks again and looks over into a dark corner saying "Jane, why don't you take Polaris to the kitchen to get something to eat and then to a suitable room with her luggage? "

I look over at the short blond witch twin in slight shock, as I did not even notice her standing in the corner. Jane nods her head to Marcus and says "yes, I will your majesty." 

Marcus then looks back to me and says"If you need any advice or want to talk Polaris come find me. I find your company rather entertaining." 

"I will. See you later Marcus." I respond. 

I then look over to Jane and she begins leading me out of the room to I presume the kitchen. As we walk I decide to make small talk. 

"So umm Jane, I know you're one of the famous witch twins, but what is your power? I don't think I ever leaned the witch twins powers." I akwardly ask the vampire walking beside me. 

"I can curse pain among those I look at your majesty." Jane curtly responds. 

I sigh in annoyance at being called your majesty again. "Please just call me Polaris, being called your Majesty just makes me unsettled." I explain to Jane. 

"Of course Polaris, I will make sure to inform the other guards as well." Jane says respecting my wish.

"This sure is a big ass castle, I almost guarantee I will get badly lost in it at some point." I say as we continue are march to the kitchen.

"Yeah it really is, however you will not get lost. I assume Master Caius will assign a guard to stay with you at all times who can also help you navigate." Jane says. 

"A guard? why would I need one." I ask.

"incase an enemy of the Volturi decides to attack you. A vampire can barley live if their mate dies. " Jane explains.

"I can protect myself just fine. Also I garntee that if I die Caius will not give a shit after the fight we just had." I say. 

"You still need one just to be sure, you are still human And He will defiantly care. My master tends to snap and get angry at everyone, don't take it personally." Jane insures me.

As Jane finishes her sentence we make it to a door and Jane opens it for me revealing a five star looking kitchen. I thank Jane as I walk through the door to look over the Kitchen. 

"Why do vampires even have a Kitchen, It seems pointless." I ask as I walk over to the fridge to grab a snack. 

"We have it for the human staff of the castle. I will now go get the chef to cook dinner for you Polaris." Jane says.

"No need to Jane, I can cook something myself." I respond.

"Okay, but master Caius will not be happy to hear you are doing work yourself. " Jane explains. 

"Well he can suck it up and if he gets mad at you for allowing me please tell me so I can set his royal ass straight." I say and as I speak I make my hands glow with my magnetic powers to emphasize my point. 

I then move to start looking through the fridge to see what I can cook. I decide on making a good old simple grilled cheese. I start cooking and talk with Jane as I do. Jane starts to seem more comfortable talking to me as she responds to my various questions and begins to address me more as a friend than queen. At least I am meeting some interesting vampires through this whole endeavor I think as finish and eat my grilled cheese. 

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