Chapter Seven | A New Home

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I have been staying at the Cullen house for two days now, Esme was even kind enough to set me up in a spare bedroom. I have gotten close and formed a friendship with all the golden eyed vampires; even the blond, hot, bitchy Rosalie who I totally do not have a crush on. Most of the red eyed vampires keep their distance from me all besides Benjamin and Garret. Both are actually really nice and fun to be around, once you get past all the drinking from human stuff they do. Garret and I both are a very sarcastic and have a dry sense of humor making us get along well, and Benjamin and I both enjoy showing off our powers.  Speaking of drinking blood, Carlisle explained to me the reason why some vampires have golden eyes, It is because they feed on bambi's opposed to humans. 

Today Kate is helping train Bella outside the Cullen house on her shield ability. Bella also asked me to help, but I explained to her Kate will be much better since she has had her power for a couple hundred years more than me. 

I stand back next to my newly found partner in sarcastic teasing Emmet watching Kate explain the basics of picturing the shield to use it. While Kate talks my eyes wonder onto the hippie ass looking vampire I have learned is name Alistair watching creepily from atop a tree branch. 

I shout up at him "Hey red eyed hippie grandpa, stop staring from a tree.. its fucking creepy!"

Emmet bursts out laughing at my insults and the red eyed nomad shoots me a glare before zooming off, good riddance to that negative sourer puss. Edward also chuckles from reading my thoughts than goes back to focusing on training Bella. 

I decide I am bored with this whole watching Bella train thing and wonder into the house to see what's happening in there. I walk in to see Esme and Rosalie cooking a meal for Jacob and Renesmee. I walk over and sit on the counter next to Jacob.

Esme than says "Polaris do you want some spaghetti?" 

"Yes please, I have missed home cooked food on the road." I respond. 

Renesmee then says "You must have seen a lot of places Polaris, lucky!"

I smile at the vampire human hybrid I have grown to adore and view as a little sister in my short amount of time here. "Yep I have, I have been all over North and South America, no where outside of there though." I say. After I finish speaking Rosalie places a hot bowl of spaghetti in front of me as Esme does for Renesmee and Jacob. 

Rosalie then says "Esme, ask her" with hope in her voice. 

Esme speaks up saying "Carlisle and I were wondering if after this volturi thing blows over if you would possible want to join the Cullen family.  All of us here love having you around, and we want to adopt you and help you start a new life and go to college." 

A smile instantly forms on my face "Are you being serious, you actually would do that for me?" I ask in disbelief. 

Rosalie then responds "Of course, I would love to have you as my sister, even if you are human." 

I smile even more if that was even possible and stand up to hug Rosalie than Esme saying "Yes, I would love that. Thank you, you amazing bambi drinkers!"

That night I lay in bed smiling feeling safe and dare I say at home for once; ideas and thought about actually having a second chance to get my life right filling my head. However do I want to stop vampire hunting?  These vampires have taught me vampires can be good, but some do still kill innocent humans. What I do brings justice and revenge to those hurt by no fault of their own. If I keep hunting vampires will the Cullens still accept me as part of their family?

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote if you did, see you next chapter! 

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