Chapter Six | The Cullen House

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Hey, before you read this keep in mind I will try my best to not make the twilight characters OCs at all, And I will alter the storyline slightly to have Polaris fit in better. 

After two more long days of driving and blasting music I am ten minutes away from the vampires im witnessing for according to my phone. As I keep driving I feel myself start to grow nervous, how many vampire will be there? I can only defend myself against one or two, three if im lucky realistically. Should I just turn around now and keep the cash to save my neck?

Portugal The Man's feel it still begins playing as I begin to stress and over think. Thankfully this masterpiece of a song helps put me at ease and assists in making me feel as confident as a human teen girl can going to a house of who knows how many bloodsuckers it holds. I pull up into the driveway of a shockingly modern house for vampires. 

I park my car and step out my black combat boots creating clicks against the pavement as I walk to the door. Before I can even reach the door a rather tall, bronze haired and golden eyed vampire zips in front of me making me let out a small gasp. I assume he is related to the pixie Alice some how based off their correlating golden eyes. The bronze hair vampire speaks.

"You know Alice, how?"

How did he know that, can this vampire fricken read my mind? Or maybe Tinkerbell vamp gave them a heads up about me witnessing for them? In the time of me being lost in my own head and not answering his questions other vampires had come out of the house, some with gold eyes and others with the dreadful blood red eyes. 

A dark haired vampire women  who looks she was turned around my age of eighteen is now standing next to the bronze haired vampire, making me presume they are mates. The bronze haired man speaks again explaining. 

"Alice sent her here as a witness"

So bronzy can read my mind, fuck that's creepy! One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen with blond hair and gold eyes who is standing next to a bear of a vampire man speaks up with judgment and confusion in her voice. 

"Why would Alice send us a useless human?"

I speak up annoyed at being underestimated "Hey! Don't Underestimate me just because im human, I have more power in my pinky than you do in your whole body."

 As i finish this sentence I make a point of causing an aurora of my green power to form around my hands and use it to levitate all close by light medal objects, which includes jewelry the vampires are wearing and the chains on my new jeans. Red and gold eyes around me became filled with shock, surprise and some even look impressed. A blond haired vampire with gold eyes steps forward and introduces himself. 

"Hello, please excuse Rosalies rude behavior, I am Carlisle Cullen and this is my wife Esme Cullen. Why don't we head inside and sort all this out?" His wife has dark brown hair and once again eyes to match her husbands. 

I nod my head walking past all the vampires into the house. I can hear vampires muttering as I walk away to their Im assuming covens in a volume to quiet for me to possibly hear with my human senses. 

Esme I believe her name was helps me settle in sitting on their couch as I feel myself shift into high alert due to all the vampire eyes focused on me. Esme has an oddly motherly energy to her, which in all honesty is rather refreshing. 

I take a deep breath and explain how I arrived at this vampire filled house and that I have powers. When I bring up the vampire killing part I can see some vampires tense, becoming more on guard. 

"So do you guys have any fucking idea why the tinker bell vampire sent me here?" I ask, wanting answers. I can see the bear like vampire that is Rosalias mate laugh a little at the nickname I have given to Alice. The leader of the Cullen clan from what I have gathered Carlisle answers my question. 

"We are currently in the process of gathering witnesses to attest to the fact that Bellas and Edwards daughter is part human against the Volturi. Alice has the ability to see the future, and I assume some how she has seen having you with us will help some how."

I stare at him confused, first off half human and half vampire, what the heck! Thats possible? And second of all if they already have all these dracula's here to witness what could I do? 

"Renesmee my daughter from what we know is the first of her kind,  And my family, I and our friends trust Alices abilities so we believe you should stay for reasons unknown. I can make the promise no vampires will drink your blood, if you promise to harm none of us, even the individuals of us that drink human blood. " Edward explains. 

"What the heck, why not. Im going to die young probably anyways." I say agreeing to who knows what. This should be interesting to say the least. 

What did you guys think? If you liked it please vote! See you next chapter. 

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