Chapter Three - The Case Begins

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"I really must apologize," Waston told her as they left 221B after having tea with Mrs. Hudson.  

"Please, you don't need to apologize for him."

"Please, don't take it personally. He's usually blunt.  And he's been vicious to everyone in this state, including myself."



"Well, now I can see why she left him. Smart woman."

"She's a very smart woman." Watson gave a nervous chuckle. "It's not quite that simple though, I'm afraid."

"She must have been very important to him."

"Yes. Irene Adler - a  very bright woman, very clever. Holmes admired that, was intrigued by her, but then again he always loves a big and brilliant mind. But, his intrigue was too deep, and even he could not see that he was being used. She meant a lot more to him than he meant to her, in the end, and he's not taking it well, clearly, as you were witness to."

"So he's not always like that?"

"No, he usually is.  But it's worse now, believe it or not."

"Mrs. Hudson said something similar."

"He's a good man, and very good at what he does," he assured her. "I'm sorry, I really thought he would be more helpful to us, I truly did.  But  I will help you solve the mystery behind this letter, Miss Westin," he promised. "You have my word."

"Thank you, Doctor. And let's lose the formalities. Please, call me Caroline."

He nodded.  "John."


"Now, regarding the suggested rendezvous," Watson said during the carriage ride home. Caroline had insisted on giving him a ride back home for his troubles, and his house was on the way out of town. 

"Yes, about that..."

"We still have a few days."

"I am curious about it."

"As am I. If you do decide to go, I will accompany you, if you don't mind of course, as a precaution. We have no idea who may be waiting for you."

"Thank you, John."

"Of course.  And if I may suggest, I think it would be beneficial if you were to stay in the city while this investigation is underway."

"Yes, that makes sense."

"I would offer for you to stay with Mary and I, but, as you saw for yourself, we don't have a lot of space."

"No, and I wouldn't want to trouble you. I've done enough of that already."

"No trouble at all, Caroline."

"I'll pack tonight and plan to stay in the city from tomorrow onward, as long as is necessary.  And I would prefer it if we didn't contact the police, at least not yet. This all feels rather personal."

"Very well, but if things start to get out of hand, then we must."

"Understood. Goodnight John. See you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, Caroline."


Her trunk all packed - hopefully with not too much but also not too little, for she didn't know how long she would be staying in the city - Caroline returned to London the next morning. The carriage stopped at the Watson's home. 

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