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after a week:

Ammu's POV:

I think I took enough rest, I just hate this Jet Lag. The moment I came back Mom started showering me with love and food. I am damn sure I gained more than 5 kg.

I am feeling very guilty for behaving so rudely with Komal Di, she is soo sweet bcoz of abhay's behavior IT's not at all correct to punish her

Tomorrow I am having an interview, OMG this is making me nervous, I immediately took the remote and switched on the TV.

OOPS a wrong move, they were showing World Cup highlights and what surprised me the most is Abhay is captaining the team.

Looking at him after 5 yrs is soo difficult, my hear is still pinging........... after 5 min he got a wicket, Shub, Mandy and Manish Bhai ran towards abhay and they did some crazy move which is damn funny


I laughed looking at there childishness especially abhay's, but Images of all those incidents came into my mind

''where were you last night?''

''with whom were you?''

''No word on my brother''

''are u taking his side?''

''get out ...............I said get out all of u''

and tears started forming in my eyes already

I switched off the TV, went inside my room and started reading some book, IDK why I am missing Nia,Dhru and Priya soo much I want to see them 

ok now it's 4:30 evening, I will go and pay a visit to our flat at 6:30 pm and from there I will eat pani puri and come back, I thought and resumed reading

Priya's POV:

This journey was tiring, I reached hyd yesterday early morning and I slept 24 hrs, like seriously?

I am staying in a hotel cuz I can't go to home as we were not talking from past 12 yrs, but the interesting thing is.......... me and my brother are chatting almost daily on instagram and our parents don't know abt this!!

Most of the ICT members are in hyd only cuz point 1, they have shifted NCA to hyd and point 2, they are having interviews over here and point 3, me and manu are planning to get engaged...................OMG I am blushing.

TING TONG.........

It could be Manu , I thought and opened the door , I found a guy wearing a leather black jacket with a bunch of purple and white colored flowers in his hand covering his face.

''MANUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.............'' I said and hugged him tightly

''baby ye bouquet tho lelo '' he said while struggling to breathe

''LOL manu, fine dedo '' I said and took the bouquet while he came into the room and laid down on bed.

I went and cuddled with him, we spoke about random things we were laughing, tickling, and mostly I was scolding him for being soo irresponsible suddenly he got up 

'' Priya Komal di met Ammu in California it seems'' Manu said and I was soo happyyyy

"Andddd...... We met Nia in the flight, but she doesn't seems to remember any of us, she said she met with an accident and forgot that part of her life" Manu added

WHEN YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE❤❤ (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now